Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Google’s preferred sign-in method

Last year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology removed SMS two-factor authentication from its list of preferred authentication methods. Since then, Google has encouraged users to use prompts-based 2-Step Verification (2-SV) methods instead. Find out why: Security was the main concern. According to Google, “This is being done because SMS text-message verifications are one-time… Continue reading Google’s preferred sign-in method

Google’s 2-Step Verification sign-in

Google wants users to use a prompts-based 2-Step Verification sign-in instead of the SMS two-factor authentication. This is partly because the National Institute of Standards and Technology disqualified the latter from its list of preferred authentication methods. Curious why? Security was the main concern. According to Google, “This is being done because SMS text-message verifications… Continue reading Google’s 2-Step Verification sign-in

Stop using Google’s SMS sign-in

To ensure optimal security, two-step authentication is used. This requires a password as well as a unique six-digit code that is typically sent via SMS. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has voiced its concerns about this method and Google quickly responded by having users try an alternative method. Security was the main concern.… Continue reading Stop using Google’s SMS sign-in

MasterCard’s new selfie verification

Love them or hate them, selfies are here to stay. And with facial recognition technology becoming both more advanced and more mainstream, selfies have now found their way into the online security world. MasterCard is the most recent global corporation to join in on the trend. Here’s how they’re planning to integrate facial recognition technology… Continue reading MasterCard’s new selfie verification

Selfie security is coming

Log on to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or even simply take a walk in a city park, and one thing is clear: the selfie revolution is upon us. And now it looks as though this contemporary pastime is becoming more than just a social media trend. Major industry players are now using facial recognition technology… Continue reading Selfie security is coming

Are you ready for selfie security?

A picture is worth a thousand words – and now a selfie may even be worth more. Later this year, MasterCard plans to jump into the facial recognition-based trend of online security with an app that allows users to verify online purchases with a selfie. But is this technology secure? Will it replace traditional passwords… Continue reading Are you ready for selfie security?

Venmo adds multi-factor authentication

It’s easy to get complacent about internet security, but the reality is that none of us can afford to let our guard down. Precautions to protect yourself, your identity and your finances online can be simple, but they are only effective when practiced rigorously and consistently. And while the most obvious things like making passwords… Continue reading Venmo adds multi-factor authentication

Enhanced sign-in security for Venmo

With the threat of sophisticated intrusion on the rise, there has never been a more important time to be vigilant about IT security. Whether it’s selecting a difficult-to-guess password and then changing it frequently, or remembering to properly log out of social networking sites when using a shared computer, there are plenty of simple steps… Continue reading Enhanced sign-in security for Venmo

Multi-factor authentication comes to Venmo

We all know that it’s important to maintain high security vigilance across whole spectrum of your IT, from changing your email password regularly to locking your work computer when you are away from your desk. But there are few areas where it couldn’t be easier to score an own goal and make life easy for… Continue reading Multi-factor authentication comes to Venmo

Added security to protect FaceTime and iMessage

Whatever services and systems we use to share, store or transfer personal and business information online, we want the reassurance that our data is safe and that everything possible is done to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. But we also know that security breaches happen, as they did with the large-scale celebrity… Continue reading Added security to protect FaceTime and iMessage