Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Keep track of work with Google Tasks

Small- to medium-sized business owners and managers lead busy lives. There’s always one task or another that needs their attention ASAP. Thanks to Google Tasks, keeping on top of all their day-to-day duties is simple and easy. Find out how this app can give productivity a boost. What is Google Tasks? Google Tasks is a… Continue reading Keep track of work with Google Tasks

Use Google Tasks to your advantage

As a small- to medium-sized business owner or manager, you deal with a long list of things to do every day. Keeping track of your tasks can be a challenge — but not if you use Google Tasks. This app can help you keep on top of everything you need to get done. Here’s how.… Continue reading Use Google Tasks to your advantage

The benefits of Google Tasks

Small- to medium-sized business owners or managers deal with many different tasks from day to day. Having to do many things at once can be tough, but Google Tasks can help. This app can make accomplishing everything on your to-do list simple and easy. Here’s a quick look at the benefits of Google Tasks. What… Continue reading The benefits of Google Tasks

5 Gmail hacks to maximize your productivity

If managing your inbox is decreasing your productivity, you’re not alone. We all struggle to unsubscribe from outdated newsletters and get ourselves removed from email chains that don’t pertain to us. But don’t fret, we have some great Gmail productivity hacks for you. #1. Customize your email address and harness filters Did you know that… Continue reading 5 Gmail hacks to maximize your productivity

Increase your productivity with these Gmail hacks

For all its benefits, email frequently distracts small-business owners from increasing sales and improving the bottom line. If you feel like a slave to email, 2019 could be the year to shake things up. These productivity hacks for Gmail will help you do just that. #1. Customize your email address and harness filters Did you… Continue reading Increase your productivity with these Gmail hacks

Be more productive with these 5 Gmail hacks

Do you need to reevaluate your approach to email? We’ve collected our favorite productivity hacks for Gmail so you can make email work for you again, freeing up valuable time that you can use for running your business. #1. Customize your email address and harness filters Did you know that Gmail lets you customize your… Continue reading Be more productive with these 5 Gmail hacks

Site engagement: Why you should measure it

Is your site getting a large amount of traffic, but you’re not seeing a product or service sales boost? Many small business owners face this dilemma at one time or another. The fact is that a large number of visitors doesn’t necessarily translate into engaged customers. A crucial metric that you should look into is… Continue reading Site engagement: Why you should measure it

Get more engagement — use Google Analytics

Having a Google Analytics account is a no-brainer if you want to track your business’s website traffic. But how do you know if those visitors are engaged with your website content or just bouncing the second they hit your homepage? A key metric is engagement, which is as important as traffic. Here’s how to track… Continue reading Get more engagement — use Google Analytics

Why website engagement is a crucial metric

When it comes to website analytics, traffic isn’t everything. Engagement with your site content is a better indicator that visitors to your website convert into customers. Here’s how to track your engagement metric using Google Analytics. How do you measure engagement? Just because a page receives a large amount of traffic doesn’t mean it has… Continue reading Why website engagement is a crucial metric

Google puts a premium in mobile searching

When it comes to business-related searches, Google is second to none. But despite being the industry leader in search engines, this powerhouse is never complacent. Recently, it made changes to its search feature and became mobile-first. If you’re wondering what this strategy could mean for you and your business, read on. Google search works by… Continue reading Google puts a premium in mobile searching