Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Securing SMBs: The role of managed IT services in cybersecurity

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face persistent cybersecurity challenges. These businesses are often targeted by cybercriminals due to their valuable data and limited security resources, but that doesn’t mean that they’re helpless. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) can help SMBs strengthen their cybersecurity with comprehensive solutions and services. By partnering with an MSP, SMBs can… Continue reading Securing SMBs: The role of managed IT services in cybersecurity

How managed IT services can help with cybersecurity

With the rise in cyberthreats, small- and medium-sized businesses must prioritize their cybersecurity measures more than ever. Fortunately, managed IT services providers (MSPs) can provide SMBs with enterprise-grade security solutions and services that can help them protect their data and networks. Here are some of the ways MSPs can help to safeguard your business. Enhanced… Continue reading How managed IT services can help with cybersecurity

Strengthening SMB cybersecurity with managed IT services

As technology continues to advance, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face increasing cybersecurity risks. Protecting sensitive data and maintaining a secure online environment is crucial for the success and longevity of SMBs, but without the right resources and expertise, this task can be daunting. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) offer a cost-effective and comprehensive solution… Continue reading Strengthening SMB cybersecurity with managed IT services

Virtualization: Best practices for newbies

Investing in virtualization will allow a business to enjoy better IT management and huge cost savings. However, virtualization’s deployment process is not a walk in the park. If you’re a virtualization newbie, you need to plan carefully and implement the following best practices. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in… Continue reading Virtualization: Best practices for newbies

Virtualization: A beginner’s guide

If you’re just starting on virtualization, you need to know it’s not just plug-and-play. You need to understand your IT environment, and that’s not something that’s immediately easy to grasp. If you’re a beginner, better follow this virtualization guide. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in the implementation process. After… Continue reading Virtualization: A beginner’s guide

Best practices for virtualization first-timers

Virtualization’s benefits are numerous: centralized IT management, faster hardware resources, improved business continuity, and reduced overhead costs. It makes perfect sense for everyone to jump on board. But to maximize virtualization’s benefits, beginners should start doing the following best practices. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in the implementation process.… Continue reading Best practices for virtualization first-timers

What you should look for in a VoIP distributor

If you’re itching to switch your old phone system to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices of distributors available. Many of them claim to be “the best” or “world-class” — but are they really? Can they meet your business needs? Before you choose a VoIP distributor, consider… Continue reading What you should look for in a VoIP distributor

4 Qualities of an ideal VoIP distributor

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is changing the way small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) communicate. That’s why many SMBs are now switching to this affordable yet feature-rich phone system. But before you decide to invest, make sure your VoIP distributor is a reputable one. Highly trained technical support A good VoIP distributor will provide some… Continue reading 4 Qualities of an ideal VoIP distributor

Is your VoIP distributor right for you?

Because it is cost-effective, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a popular choice today among small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) looking to upgrade their phone systems. But before you contact just any VoIP distributor, make sure you are dealing with a respectable and trustworthy one. Here is a checklist of the must-have qualities of a… Continue reading Is your VoIP distributor right for you?

Beginner’s guide to virtualization

Deciding to invest in virtualization technology is one of the easiest decisions you can make. By consolidating computing resources into physical servers, businesses can enjoy easy IT management and massive cost savings. What’s not so easy, however, is the deployment process, which requires careful planning and implementation of best practices. Here’s what you need to… Continue reading Beginner’s guide to virtualization