Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Virtualization: Best practices for newbies

Investing in virtualization will allow a business to enjoy better IT management and huge cost savings. However, virtualization’s deployment process is not a walk in the park. If you’re a virtualization newbie, you need to plan carefully and implement the following best practices. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in… Continue reading Virtualization: Best practices for newbies

Virtualization: A beginner’s guide

If you’re just starting on virtualization, you need to know it’s not just plug-and-play. You need to understand your IT environment, and that’s not something that’s immediately easy to grasp. If you’re a beginner, better follow this virtualization guide. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in the implementation process. After… Continue reading Virtualization: A beginner’s guide

Best practices for virtualization first-timers

Virtualization’s benefits are numerous: centralized IT management, faster hardware resources, improved business continuity, and reduced overhead costs. It makes perfect sense for everyone to jump on board. But to maximize virtualization’s benefits, beginners should start doing the following best practices. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT environment is an important step in the implementation process.… Continue reading Best practices for virtualization first-timers

How to make the most out of your CRM

Building rapport with customers has never been easier with customer relationship management (CRM) software. You can keep track of contact information, buying preferences, and sales patterns. It’s a must-have for all sales and marketing teams. If you want to know how to make the most out of your CRM, follow these tips. Always update customer… Continue reading How to make the most out of your CRM

Best practices to maximize your CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) software can add value to your business in many ways. Next to being a very important sales improvement tool, CRM software strengthens your company’s professional image in the market. However, not all CRM users utilize the software a hundred percent. Here’s what you can do with CRM to get the job… Continue reading Best practices to maximize your CRM

CRM optimization best practices

The effectiveness of your business’s day-to-day operations is the best indicator of whether your customer relationship management (CRM) software is performing to expectations. CRM is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers, but are you integrating CRM into your business in the best possible way? Learn how you can transform your business with the following… Continue reading CRM optimization best practices

Beginner’s guide to virtualization

Deciding to invest in virtualization technology is one of the easiest decisions you can make. By consolidating computing resources into physical servers, businesses can enjoy easy IT management and massive cost savings. What’s not so easy, however, is the deployment process, which requires careful planning and implementation of best practices. Here’s what you need to… Continue reading Beginner’s guide to virtualization

Top tips for first-time virtualization users

Unlike most solutions, virtualization technology is not plug and play. It requires you to understand your IT environment and know which aspects could and should be virtualized. This is not something we expect first-time virtualization users to grasp right away, so if you’re planning to implement it, follow these tips. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your… Continue reading Top tips for first-time virtualization users

Virtualization best practices for newbies

The benefits of virtualization are so significant that deciding whether to jump on board is a no-brainer. It offers centralized IT management, faster hardware resources, improved business continuity, and reduced overhead costs. But in order to experience these benefits, there are a few best practices you need to consider. Conduct an assessment Evaluating your IT… Continue reading Virtualization best practices for newbies

How to make the most of your CRM

Building a rapport with customers has never been easier with customer relationship management (CRM) software. You can track contact information, buying preferences, and sales patterns. It’s a must-have for all sales and marketing teams. But if this is the first time you’re using CRM software, try adopting the following best practices. Always update customer information… Continue reading How to make the most of your CRM