Technology Advice for Small Businesses

3 reasons to try Microsoft’s new browser

If you’re like most internet users, you probably use Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera as your web browser of choice. But later this year, there will be a new player in the game. It’s called Edge, and Microsoft’s technologically advanced wonder child may just be the browser of choice for the next generation. With Windows… Continue reading 3 reasons to try Microsoft’s new browser

These are the new features of Windows 10

Microsoft was so keen to distance itself from the Windows 8 embarassment that it completely abandoned logic and skipped number 9. Determined to win back its users, the software giant plans to launch the brand-new Windows 10, packed with significant improvements and powerful features. Below we’ve listed a few awesome new Windows 10 features worth… Continue reading These are the new features of Windows 10

Key features of Microsoft’s Windows 10

Microsoft is working to overcome the terrible reputation of Windows 8. The operating system was a major disappointment and was criticized badly by many who use it. Now Microsoft intends to stage a comeback by launching the all-new Windows 10. A raft of new innovations and features have been implemented into Windows 10, all of… Continue reading Key features of Microsoft’s Windows 10

Windows 10’s powerful new features

Windows 8 was a disappointment. The user interface was too complex for general users and many critics were not impressed with Windows 8’s features. And so Microsoft plans to leave the Windows 8 blunder behind and move on to Windows 10. Numerous changes have been made and new features added to Microsoft’s new flagship operating… Continue reading Windows 10’s powerful new features

What comes after Windows 8? Windows 10!

Since the release of Windows 8, Microsoft has noted that they will be releasing an update to Windows nearly every year. This year, in late September, the company announced the next version of Windows – Windows 10. When it is released users will benefit from a number of useful features being introduced. Here is a… Continue reading What comes after Windows 8? Windows 10!

Windows skips 9 and goes straight to 10!

At the end of September, Microsoft held their now annual Windows event, where they announced the next big version of Windows – Windows 10. While it seems a little odd that they are skipping 9 completely, from what we can see, 10 is shaping up to be the best version of Windows to date. Here… Continue reading Windows skips 9 and goes straight to 10!

Windows 10 announced as 9 is skipped!

In late September, Microsoft introduced the next version of Windows – Windows 10. At the announcement event, the company showed off a number of exciting new features that many users have been requesting. While it will be a while before it is released, here is a brief overview of some of the upcoming features you… Continue reading Windows 10 announced as 9 is skipped!