Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to pick the most secure browser

The internet is a Wild West of sorts, as one could never know what kind of threat they’ll come across. This is why for businesses, it’s important to identify secure browsers to keep threats at bay. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, Windows’ current default browser, is an improvement over its predecessor Internet Explorer (IE). Edge was… Continue reading How to pick the most secure browser

Which web browser is the safest?

Enterprise cybersecurity is a holistic system that involves employing security practices at every level of use. This includes picking out the most secure application for web browsing. Consider the security features of these popular web browsers when picking yours. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, Windows’ current default browser, is an improvement over its predecessor Internet Explorer… Continue reading Which web browser is the safest?

Make sure your web browser is safe

Web browsers are gateways to the internet, which is why you should care about how they transmit and store sensitive information. Want to learn more about which browser is safest? Take a read. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, Windows’ current default browser, is an improvement over its predecessor Internet Explorer (IE). Edge was developed with Windows… Continue reading Make sure your web browser is safe

Web browser cybersecurity, ranked

Cybersecurity didn’t become more important in light of the WannaCry ransomware epidemic, it just became more visible to the average internet user. If like so many others, you’re auditing the security of business’s software, web browsers are a great place to start. Learn more about how your browser choice stacks up in your security comparison.… Continue reading Web browser cybersecurity, ranked

Choosing a web browser: Which one is safest?

Managing business-level cybersecurity is no simple task. Tens of thousands of users are finding that out the hard way as they confront the issue head on in the wake of an international ransomware epidemic. Although many cybersecurity strategies require professional IT support, a great place to start is assessing the security of your web browser.… Continue reading Choosing a web browser: Which one is safest?

How good is your web browser’s security?

Recently, an unprecedented strain of ransomware known as “WannaCry” infected hundreds of thousands of computers across the globe. This horrible campaign has forced small businesses to revisit the security of their IT infrastructure. It’s a complicated endeavor, but reevaluating your web browsers is a quick and easy place to start. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)/Edge Despite… Continue reading How good is your web browser’s security?

Why you should try Microsoft’s new browser

If you’re like most people, you probably have a preferred browser you use when surfing the web. You may even consider yourself set in your ways, and think there’s no chance you’d ever consider testing another browser. Well, Microsoft’s new wonder child, aptly called Edge, may have you thinking twice. With a wide set of… Continue reading Why you should try Microsoft’s new browser

Why to switch to Microsoft’s new browser

It’s time to roll over Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera. There’s a new browser in town, and it’s ready to make some noise. Its name is Edge, and Microsoft’s new wonder child is loaded with features that may just be set to revolutionize the way you browse the web. Excited yet? You should be. Edge… Continue reading Why to switch to Microsoft’s new browser

3 reasons to try Microsoft’s new browser

If you’re like most internet users, you probably use Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera as your web browser of choice. But later this year, there will be a new player in the game. It’s called Edge, and Microsoft’s technologically advanced wonder child may just be the browser of choice for the next generation. With Windows… Continue reading 3 reasons to try Microsoft’s new browser

IE zero-day flaw you need to know

The tool that allows the vast majority of businesses to utilize the Internet in order to carry out their day-to-day operations is the browser. While there are numerous browsers available, many businesses rely on Internet Explorer (IE). This browser comes pre-installed on all machines using Windows. However, if you use IE, there is a new… Continue reading IE zero-day flaw you need to know