Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Enlist IT help when installing CPU updates

When it comes to security updates, time is usually of the essence. The longer you wait to install a fix from a vendor, the higher the risk of being compromised. But in the cases of the Meltdown and Spectre flaws, you might be better off waiting until a more reliable patch is released. Let’s review… Continue reading Enlist IT help when installing CPU updates

Meltdown and Spectre fixes cause problems

It’s been three weeks since one of the worst IT security vulnerabilities in history was announced, and consumers are still receiving mixed messages about how to protect themselves. We usually encourage users to install software updates as often as possible, but when it comes to Meltdown and Spectre, that advice comes with an asterisk. Unsecured… Continue reading Meltdown and Spectre fixes cause problems

Beware of the Meltdown and Spectre patches

Installing security patches is usually such a humdrum task that even the most inexperienced users handle it. Unfortunately, that has not been the case with the Spectre and Meltdown fixes. This time around, we recommend you skip installing the update and let an IT professional handle it for you. Unsecured data storage Spectre and Meltdown… Continue reading Beware of the Meltdown and Spectre patches

IE zero-day flaw you need to know

The tool that allows the vast majority of businesses to utilize the Internet in order to carry out their day-to-day operations is the browser. While there are numerous browsers available, many businesses rely on Internet Explorer (IE). This browser comes pre-installed on all machines using Windows. However, if you use IE, there is a new… Continue reading IE zero-day flaw you need to know

Security flaw hits Internet Explorer

For many businesses, the browser is one of the most important pieces of software you can install on your computer. It not only provides access to the Internet, but also to a myriad of other systems, including email, documents, and more. Many Windows users stick with Internet Explorer (IE) because it is automatically installed on… Continue reading Security flaw hits Internet Explorer

IE security flaw exposed

As we increasingly come to rely on cloud-based systems, the browser will likely become even more important to business owners and managers. While there are a number of browsers out there, many Windows users prefer to use Internet Explorer (IE), largely because it is the browser which comes pre-installed on all Windows computers. However, if… Continue reading IE security flaw exposed