Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Useful Google Assistant commands

Google Assistant is a significant change to Google’s search features on mobile devices. Like Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant interacts with your Android device to do a wide range of tasks. If you’ve got an Android phone, pick it up and give a few of our favorite voice commands a whirl! Before you can start playing… Continue reading Useful Google Assistant commands

5 great voice commands for Google Assistant

Google Assistant is essentially the next generation of Google Now. It performs all of the same tasks as Google Now, such as scheduling events and web searching, but has a better, more conversational interface. For a crash course in some of Google’s best AI-powered voice-commands, take a look at five of our favorites. Before you… Continue reading 5 great voice commands for Google Assistant

Google Assistant tips and tricks

One of the most effective ways to utilize Google search has flown mostly under the radar. If you’re jealous of Apple’s Siri, you may not even realize that you have your own AI assistant sitting in your pocket. Pull out your Android phone because you’ll want to try these powerful Google Assistant commands. Before you… Continue reading Google Assistant tips and tricks

Google Assistant: New features unveiled

At this year’s South By Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Google created a Google Assistant Fun House to display the many features of its AI assistant platform. Apart from the basic tasks it can perform on a smarthome, Google wanted to flaunt some of its unique uses, including a beer vending system and a sock… Continue reading Google Assistant: New features unveiled

Google’s AI helper gets new features

As with any trade show or conference in which Google participated the last few years, the South by Southwest (SXSW) expo witnessed another unique exhibit. This time around, they set up a Google Assistant Fun House that features unique actions and capabilities, including a machine that allows you to order beer from your couch, a… Continue reading Google’s AI helper gets new features

The Google Assistant Fun House at SXSW

Google brought their “voice-activated insanity” as a feature of their Google Assistant Fun House at the South by Southwest (SXSW) expo in Austin this year. The limited product exhibit showcased the unique capabilities of their AI assistant platform, such as a sock-folding robot and a system to order beer from your sofa. Here are other… Continue reading The Google Assistant Fun House at SXSW

5 useful commands for Google’s AI assistant

Voice-powered AI systems are enjoying a resurgence. With improved bandwidth, both on desktops and on mobile devices, software vendors can easily relay complex voice commands to the cloud to be analyzed by more powerful computing software. Everyone has seen Siri do it on Apple phones, but how many realize that Android has its own AI,… Continue reading 5 useful commands for Google’s AI assistant

5 great voice commands for Google Now

Google Now has been around for years, but the service still doesn’t have the name recognition of Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. Considering that it is delivered on nearly every new Android device, it’s a crime that it doesn’t get more use. For a crash course in some of Google’s best AI-powered voice-commands, take a… Continue reading 5 great voice commands for Google Now

Android AI: 5 helpful requests for Google Now

Google is synonymous with some of the best internet search technology on the market. But for some reason, one of the most effective ways to utilize Google search has flown mostly under the radar. If you’re jealous of Apple’s Siri, you may not even realize that you have your own AI assistant sitting in your… Continue reading Android AI: 5 helpful requests for Google Now