Technology Advice for Small Businesses

IG Stories: redefining online marketing

Since it’s inception in 2010, Instagram has come a long way from just double-tapping. The photo-sharing application recently announced its plan to experiment with video ads via Instagram Stories. Give your small- or medium-sized business a competitive edge by understanding and utilizing Instagram Stories. Jim Squares, director of product marketing, said in an interview with… Continue reading IG Stories: redefining online marketing

The new face of e-marketing: IG stories

Scroll, double-tap, repeat, might have been the original Instagram-ing routine, but not anymore. After partnering with global advertising giants, IG is introducing its latest feature: Stories. With it, you can share short videos, or even personally decorated snapshots of your daily life. But many of you might ask, “What does this have to do with… Continue reading The new face of e-marketing: IG stories

Switch up marketing tactics with IG stories

Behind the application is the business, and behind the business is the need to drive revenue. With Stories, Instagram aims to capitalize on their platform and the enormous consumer reach it has — an impressive following of over 600 million monthly active users. Teaming up with global advertising giants, IG is now dipping its toes… Continue reading Switch up marketing tactics with IG stories

Google+ offers Stories and Movies

You don’t have to be a photographer to enjoy sharing photos and videos. In fact, aside from personal family memories, you might also want to keep a photographic archive for your business. This could include shots of important corporate events which could be shown to customers or used to train employees in the future. Google… Continue reading Google+ offers Stories and Movies

Google+ Stories and Movies

Important events in business might want to be recorded, such as exhibitions, seminars and special events. You might want to show customers or use for training purposes at a later date. However, when you’ve uploaded all your photos and videos choosing a handful of pictures and videos can be more time consuming than you think.… Continue reading Google+ Stories and Movies

Google+ tells Stories and Movies

One of the best parts about a vacation is capturing shots to be shared with loved ones. Whether it’s a group photo, scenic views or a memorable moment. In business, you might want to preserve photos of a special corporate event such as an exhibition, training session or important visit. Sharing your photos just got… Continue reading Google+ tells Stories and Movies