Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Skype for Business and its benefits

Skype for Business (as hinted in the name), is the corporate-oriented version of Skype. Besides the snazzy title, Skype for Business possesses unique office applications that will benefit your company. Yet, many business owners pose the same question: how important is it to adopt Skype for Business? Here are three reasons that might help you… Continue reading Skype for Business and its benefits

Benefits of using Skype for Business

For businesses, it’s never enough to rely on just one asset to succeed, especially when there are better options out there to explore. This is where Skype for Business comes in. Skype for Business is more tailor-made for companies, and it’s hard to deny the many corporate benefits it brings to the table. Let’s examine… Continue reading Benefits of using Skype for Business

Why Skype for Business Over Skype?

It’s hard to deny how reliable Skype is as a VoIP telephony system. Having something good doesn’t mean you should stop at that; for the sake of your small- or medium-sized business, you should always be on the lookout for the next best thing that helps facilitate your company’s growth. Enter Skype for Business. We’ve… Continue reading Why Skype for Business Over Skype?

Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

Fishes are known to travel together in schools. They do so as a defense mechanism against predators or as a means to find a mate. Rarely do we see a fish making its way through the ocean unaccompanied. Schools of fish are the Twitter equivalent of celebrities or public figures, whereby lone guppies are SMBs… Continue reading Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

The ocean has a strange way of making you feel so small; so does a Twitter account with virtually no followers. It does become quite hard for your small- to medium-sized business to establish a strong online presence when they are surrounded by singers and supermodels with their own collection of trending hashtags. This is… Continue reading Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

New SMB dashboard app from Twitter

If you aren’t a celebrity or a multimillionaire capable of purchasing millions of Twitter followers, it’s quite hard to establish a notable online presence these days, especially if you’re a small- or medium-sized business. It’s undeniable that the benefits of a strong online presence on prominent social media platforms such as Twitter are numerous. With… Continue reading New SMB dashboard app from Twitter