Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Ugly websites cost your business big time

Good things come to those who wait, and this is especially true for small- and medium-sized businesses that plan on creating an eCommerce website. According to Vistaprint’s study on 1,800 consumers, 42 percent of respondents are “very unlikely” to buy from unprofessional or ugly websites. Go through your site and ensure everything is in order.… Continue reading Ugly websites cost your business big time

The true cost of an ugly website

We are taught never to judge a book by its cover. But in this superficial age, looks are everything, especially for websites. Your website is a customer’s first impression of your business, and if your site has poor graphics, illegible content, and other website no-no’s, that could end all chances of establishing a relationship and… Continue reading The true cost of an ugly website

Do ugly websites really cost you money?

eCommerce websites take longer to create than regular websites. That’s because finding the right plugins and fine-tuning other components such as the blog page takes a lot of time. Only when you’re certain that everything’s in place should you go live with your website. Until then, take the time to double-check everything; the last thing… Continue reading Do ugly websites really cost you money?

Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

Fishes are known to travel together in schools. They do so as a defense mechanism against predators or as a means to find a mate. Rarely do we see a fish making its way through the ocean unaccompanied. Schools of fish are the Twitter equivalent of celebrities or public figures, whereby lone guppies are SMBs… Continue reading Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

The ocean has a strange way of making you feel so small; so does a Twitter account with virtually no followers. It does become quite hard for your small- to medium-sized business to establish a strong online presence when they are surrounded by singers and supermodels with their own collection of trending hashtags. This is… Continue reading Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

New SMB dashboard app from Twitter

If you aren’t a celebrity or a multimillionaire capable of purchasing millions of Twitter followers, it’s quite hard to establish a notable online presence these days, especially if you’re a small- or medium-sized business. It’s undeniable that the benefits of a strong online presence on prominent social media platforms such as Twitter are numerous. With… Continue reading New SMB dashboard app from Twitter

The benefits of Instagram for your company

Out of all the numerous social media platforms, Instagram is playing in the big leagues with over 400 million active users. But since most companies are acquainted with Facebook and Twitter, Instagram has essentially been overlooked as a marketing tool. The challenge isn’t posting a picture, but attempting to drive traffic back to your company’s… Continue reading The benefits of Instagram for your company

Why your company needs to be on Instagram

It’s astounding how celebrities manage to amass millions of followers and gain thousands of likes for posting a photo of their shadow. Companies of all sizes would go crazy for that kind of exposure, but rarely do their wishes get granted. But not all hope is lost, start small and take baby steps with the… Continue reading Why your company needs to be on Instagram

Instagram and its corporate benefits

“Double-tapping” is a phrase used to describe the liking of photos on Instagram, as a business you’d want to get as many double-taps as you can, but how? Should you invest in buying followers or start an excavation project in search of the genie lamp your parents buried in the backyard? Before breaking out the… Continue reading Instagram and its corporate benefits