Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers

Social media phishing attacks are on the rise, with Facebook being one of the most commonly impersonated brands. Hackers are now employing more sophisticated tactics to steal personal data from social media users. To keep your data safe from them, heed our reminders and tips to strengthen your privacy settings and keep bad actors away.… Continue reading Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers

Use these tips to stay safe on Facebook and Twitter

Never let your guard down when you’re on social media! Malicious hackers are becoming better at stealing your personal information, so keep these reminders and tips in mind to remain safe while you’re on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Lock screens exist for a reason Always lock all your devices as soon as you stop… Continue reading Use these tips to stay safe on Facebook and Twitter

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been suffering massive data breaches for a number of years now. If you wish to continue using these services, you need to tighten your social media privacy settings. Here are a few reminders and tips to help you secure your personal information on social media. Lock… Continue reading Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Easily sign in with Windows Hello

Microsoft has introduced a convenient and personal way to sign in to your Windows 10 devices. With Windows Hello, you can now log in with just a look or a touch. This features also comes with enterprise-grade security without having to type in a password. Say hello to fingerprint, iris, and facial scans Windows Hello… Continue reading Easily sign in with Windows Hello

Simplify logging in with Windows Hello

Just like in sci-fi movies, Microsoft’s biometric logins can now recognize your face, fingerprint, or eyes when you attempt to access your device. Here’s everything you need to know when setting up Windows Hello. Say hello to fingerprint, iris, and facial scans Windows Hello is an advanced biometric identity and access control feature in Windows… Continue reading Simplify logging in with Windows Hello

Windows Hello simplifies logging in

You can now log in faster and more securely to your laptop, tablet, websites, or apps with Microsoft’s Windows Hello. You only have to use your camera to recognize your face or a fingerprint reader. Say hello to fingerprint, iris, and facial scans Windows Hello is an advanced biometric identity and access control feature in… Continue reading Windows Hello simplifies logging in

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them. This… Continue reading Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Protecting your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

The Facebook worldwide privacy scandal should have been a wake up call for all of us to revisit our social media privacy settings. We should be vigilant in keeping our personal information safe. Here are tips to keep your Facebook and Twitter accounts well-secured. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices… Continue reading Protecting your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Keeping Facebook and Twitter safe from hackers

Keep your guard up! Pranksters, malicious attackers, and hackers come in different forms, but they are all after your online privacy and security — especially on social media. There are several things you can do to protect your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon… Continue reading Keeping Facebook and Twitter safe from hackers

Leave no room for hackers to operate

For most people, social media is a convenient way to stay in touch with family and friends. For a small group of people, it’s an opportunity to profit off other people’s trust. Here are some things you can do to continue enjoying Facebook and Twitter without compromising your privacy. Lockscreens exist for a reason Make… Continue reading Leave no room for hackers to operate