Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The benefits of Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature

Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature is an incredibly useful tool for organizing tasks and events. If you often struggle to keep track of your schedule, then this feature is definitely for you! Read on to learn the basics of how Bookings works and some tips on how to get the most out of it. Visibility Bid… Continue reading The benefits of Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature

How Microsoft 365’s Bookings keep tasks and events organized

Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature is a great way to keep track of your tasks and events. It allows you to create appointments, schedule meetings, and track deadlines. In this blog post, we will show you how to use the Bookings feature in Microsoft 365, and provide some tips on how to make the most of… Continue reading How Microsoft 365’s Bookings keep tasks and events organized

Up your schedule management game by using Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature

Are you struggling to keep track of your tasks and events? Microsoft 365’s new Bookings feature may be just what you need. With this feature, you can easily create and manage appointments for yourself or your team. Here is some key information on how to use the Bookings feature and some of its benefits. Visibility… Continue reading Up your schedule management game by using Microsoft 365’s Bookings feature

The convenience of dual monitors

Some things come in pairs, including glasses, shoes, and, for busy office workers, computer monitors. Using two monitors at once may seem unconventional for some, but doing so has a lot of advantages. If you’re hesitant about your employees using two monitors simultaneously, perhaps these benefits will change your mind. Enhanced productivity A survey by… Continue reading The convenience of dual monitors

Perks of using dual monitors

While dual monitor setups aren’t as popular as single monitor setups, you should consider working with two screens since doing so has a lot of advantages. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of dual monitors. Enhanced productivity A survey by Jon Peddie Research shows that working with dual monitors increases overall productivity… Continue reading Perks of using dual monitors

Upgrading to a dual monitor system

Small businesses are always seeking ways to ensure their employees make effective use of computers. But before you go out and buy bigger hard drives and faster processors, you should consider upgrading your desktops to a dual monitor system. Read on to find out about the advantages of using two monitors per desktop. Enhanced productivity… Continue reading Upgrading to a dual monitor system

Replace phone scheduling with Bookings

Time is the commodity of service providers — therefore being able to manage it well ensures profitability. To maximize your schedule, use Bookings by Office 365. Here’s how this easy-to-use app can greatly benefit your business. Visibility Bid adieu to the days of scribbling on post-its and frantically going through your schedule to find out… Continue reading Replace phone scheduling with Bookings

Schedules are a breeze with Bookings

Manually managing appointments is a frustrating time-waster, especially when you factor in last minute cancellations and no-shows. With Bookings, you can let clients find available times for themselves and even have them automatically receive booking confirmations and timely appointment reminders. Here are more ways in which this simple app can tremendously help your business out:… Continue reading Schedules are a breeze with Bookings

Save time with Bookings by Office 365

We all undeniably have hectic schedules, and they’re made even worse with unorganized meetings, impromptu playdates, and unscheduled yoga classes. To move or cancel appointments, your clients would generally have to pick up the phone and call someone, which can be a drag. But with Microsoft Bookings, clients can schedule and effortlessly manage appointments. In… Continue reading Save time with Bookings by Office 365

Perks of using dual monitors

Many employees are uncomfortable using two monitors at their desk, so it’s no surprise that dual monitor setups aren’t as popular as single monitor setups. But working with two screens provides ways for employees to work more productively. Here’s a look at some of the main reasons why your employees’ desktops should be upgraded to… Continue reading Perks of using dual monitors