Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Best apps for iPhone’s address book

For many years people have been turning to their smartphones, like the iPhone, to store important contact information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. But the fact is, people move and change their numbers all the time. Relying solely on your smartphone as a memory bank for your contacts can be risky… Continue reading Best apps for iPhone’s address book

iPhone’s contacts management apps

Today, more than ever before, business owners and managers are relying on their iPhone to keep contact information on hand. But depending solely on your iPhone to store vital data has its drawbacks as people move and change their numbers all the time. So here are five essential apps that’ll keep your iPhone’s address book… Continue reading iPhone’s contacts management apps

Top apps for iPhone’s address book

People today are relying on their iPhones more than ever before, especially when it comes to keeping contact information like names, numbers, and email addresses. Despite its ease of access, having to update your contact information every time someone changes their number can be a pain. And what do you do if your iPhone breaks… Continue reading Top apps for iPhone’s address book

5 iPhone messaging tips

The days of simple texting are behind us. Today, messaging apps like the iPhone’s Messages allow you to do much more than sending a block of text. With business operators relying on messaging apps more than ever before, let’s take a look at five iPhone messaging tips that will help make your communication experience a… Continue reading 5 iPhone messaging tips

iOS messaging tips

While it is easy to simply type a message and send it, iPhone’s messaging app – Messages – is capable of doing much more than that. And since businesses today rely on effective communication processes to help with workflow and productivity, it’s worth taking a look at some iPhone messaging tips which could help make… Continue reading iOS messaging tips

iPhone messaging tricks

Messaging apps have become an increasingly popular application that most business operators rely on. Not only do they help with getting information and visuals across, but messaging apps these days allow for voice recording and video integration too. Paired with the number of iPhone users, it’s safe to say that many people are dependent on… Continue reading iPhone messaging tricks