Technology Advice for Small Businesses

VoIP security alert: How to tell if your system is compromised

With the rising popularity of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems in business communication, security threats that target them are becoming more common. A compromised VoIP system can lead to data breaches, unauthorized call charges, and disrupted services. But how can you tell if your system has been infiltrated? This article breaks down the warning… Continue reading VoIP security alert: How to tell if your system is compromised

Red flags that signal a possible VoIP hack

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems are a convenient and cost-effective solution for businesses, but they also present unique security challenges. A successful hack can have serious consequences, from financial loss to compromised client information. Being aware of the red flags — such as sudden drops in call quality or suspicious account changes — can… Continue reading Red flags that signal a possible VoIP hack

Key indicators your VoIP system has been hacked

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems for their sensitive data and access to business communications. If your VoIP system has been hacked, you may notice unusual activity, such as unexpected call patterns or unexplained charges. Recognizing these signs early is crucial for mitigating damage and restoring operations, so look out for… Continue reading Key indicators your VoIP system has been hacked

Printer security tips your business needs to know

You may not think of your office printers as a security risk, but hackers certainly do. In fact, many hackers exploit certain vulnerabilities in printers to gain access to a company’s data or even infiltrate business IT systems without anyone noticing. Here are some crucial steps you can take to protect your business printers from… Continue reading Printer security tips your business needs to know

Protect your business printers from cyberattacks

Protecting your business printers from malicious cyberattacks may be the last thing on your mind, but it should definitely not be. Hackers are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit, and, if left unprotected, printer systems can offer a trouble-free gateway into vast troves of sensitive data. To help safeguard against unforeseen risks, take these… Continue reading Protect your business printers from cyberattacks

Don’t overlook your business printers’ security

The security of business printers is often overlooked by small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This can prove to be a big mistake because printers can be just as vulnerable to cyberattacks as other devices. Follow these security tips if you want to protect your business printers from cyberattacks. Vulnerabilities of business printers Printers are considered… Continue reading Don’t overlook your business printers’ security

3 Types of hackers and what they do

There are many hackers in the world. Some hackers just want to cause mischief, while others have more malicious intentions. In this blog post, we will explain the three main kinds of hackers and how they differ from one another. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely defined as someone who… Continue reading 3 Types of hackers and what they do

3 Types of hackers: What you need to know

While there are many similarities among hackers, there are also some key differences among them. Some hackers want money for themselves and resort to evildoings, while others just want to make the world a better place. In this blog post, we will discuss the three main types of hackers and what you need to know… Continue reading 3 Types of hackers: What you need to know

The three kinds of hackers every business should watch out for

Hackers come from all different backgrounds. Some hackers are motivated by money and politics, while others simply hack systems for fun. In this blog post, we will define the three kinds of hackers and how each one differs from the others. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely defined as someone… Continue reading The three kinds of hackers every business should watch out for

Keep cybercriminals from attacking your business printers with these tips

It’s easy to overlook printers when implementing a cybersecurity strategy, as they may seem safe from cyberattacks. But in reality, many hackers these days exploit certain printer vulnerabilities to gather information about businesses or even infiltrate their systems without anyone noticing. Protect your business printers by following these tips. What makes business printers vulnerable to… Continue reading Keep cybercriminals from attacking your business printers with these tips