Technology Advice for Small Businesses

3 Common cloud service models

A common trend among many businesses is the introduction of cloud-based systems. While the vast majority of business owners and managers are well aware of the cloud, and may have even integrated at least one cloud system into their business, it can be difficult to decipher the difference between all the types of cloud services… Continue reading 3 Common cloud service models

3 Cloud service models

The cloud has become one of the most talked about, and arguably most important, tech concepts of the past decade. Many business owners and managers are aware of the benefits it can bring, but often stumble when they decide to implement a solution. It is really important to be aware of the different types of… Continue reading 3 Cloud service models

6 Cloud solutions for small business

The cloud, once an obscure concept, has become one of the most widely demanded and integrated tech solutions of the past half decade. It has become so important to computing that many business processes, like email, document creation, and even music services are all offered over the cloud. For some businesses however, there is an… Continue reading 6 Cloud solutions for small business

Useful cloud solutions for your business

One of the hottest tech debates of the past couple of years is whether the cloud is a viable solution for businesses. For those business owners who have deemed that the cloud is a viable solution for their business, the first question they often ask is what workload, or existing system, should they move to… Continue reading Useful cloud solutions for your business

6 SMB cloud solutions

The cloud has really taken off in the past five years. So much so, in fact, that almost every major business system has a cloud offering. From email to CRM and accounting, chances are good you will find a cloud solution you can integrate with your business. Because of the abundance of systems it is… Continue reading 6 SMB cloud solutions

Are you in the right cloud?

Not all clouds are created equal, at least when it comes to encryption. Most cloud providers say they encrypt data, which engenders a sense of security—but there is a weakness in the process. Data —say, a medical record— is indeed encrypted when you send it to the cloud. But, when it arrives at the server… Continue reading Are you in the right cloud?

The importance of the cloud in business

As computer technology continues to progress, small and large-scale businesses alike are now shifting to the cloud. It isn’t just an out-of-the-blue hysteria, as the shift from the traditional file management systems to Web-based platforms have increasingly gained momentum over recent years. For business owners, this groundbreaking revolution is a significant development that maximizes the… Continue reading The importance of the cloud in business

Cloud’s role in optimizing business

As a small business owner or manager, having a secure and reliable file management system is downright essential. Many companies are now shifting to using cloud services as a medium to help manage their files and system. With a cloud service, businesses get to enjoy a ton of advantages that cannot be offered by the… Continue reading Cloud’s role in optimizing business

How the cloud optimizes your business

In business, the traditional way of managing files has always been costly and complex in many ways. The amount of money and effort invested in hardware and software programs to manage files, can be exhausting and expensive to maintain. But with the cloud, small businesses can now take advantage of a sophisticated remote network service.… Continue reading How the cloud optimizes your business

The cloud in 2014 – 5 trends

There are a number of growing tech concepts, with one of the most popular being the cloud. While it can be difficult to actually pin down what the cloud is, many regard it as any service that is delivered over the Internet or a network. Regardless of how you define it, cloud-based solutions are becoming… Continue reading The cloud in 2014 – 5 trends