Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Top 3 cloud service models

At any given time there are a nearly countless number of technology related trends popping up. Many come and go, but one of the most important that many business owners are focusing on is the cloud. Owners and managers know they ought to be using “the cloud” but it can be confusing as to what… Continue reading Top 3 cloud service models

3 Common cloud service models

A common trend among many businesses is the introduction of cloud-based systems. While the vast majority of business owners and managers are well aware of the cloud, and may have even integrated at least one cloud system into their business, it can be difficult to decipher the difference between all the types of cloud services… Continue reading 3 Common cloud service models

3 Cloud service models

The cloud has become one of the most talked about, and arguably most important, tech concepts of the past decade. Many business owners and managers are aware of the benefits it can bring, but often stumble when they decide to implement a solution. It is really important to be aware of the different types of… Continue reading 3 Cloud service models