Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Beware: Nyetya is worse than WannaCry

The cyber community hasn’t fully recovered from the WannaCry ransomware attacks, which struck businesses and organizations in May. Now, a Petya ransomware variant named Nyetya is poised to join its ranks as one of the worst cyber attacks in history. Like WannaCry, its attackers exploited unpatched Microsoft vulnerabilities and demanded a $300 ransom in Bitcoins.… Continue reading Beware: Nyetya is worse than WannaCry

Nyetya ransomware: what you need to know

Nyetya, a variant of the Petya ransomware, is spreading across businesses all over the world. Although it shares the same qualities as WannaCry — a ransomware deemed ‘one of the worst in history’ — many cyber security experts are calling it a more virulent strain of malware that could cause greater damage to both small… Continue reading Nyetya ransomware: what you need to know

Why Nyetya is more threatening than WannaCry

The WannaCry ransomware, which infected 200,000 business globally and made over $100,000 in ransom payments, is said to be one of the worst cyber attacks in history. However, a new ransomware strain named Nyetya is shaping up to be a more formidable security threat. It has already affected businesses globally, and security firms and researchers… Continue reading Why Nyetya is more threatening than WannaCry

Windows XP receives security update

Support for Windows XP ended in April 8, 2014. This means that Microsoft has stopped providing updates, security patches, and technical assistance for XP users for over three years. But despite the end of support date, Microsoft has recently released a new security fix for the outdated operating system. Here’s why. More WannaCry copycats The… Continue reading Windows XP receives security update

Microsoft issues security patch for XP

When a Microsoft product reaches its “end-of-life,” the tech developer no longer provides feature updates, technical assistance, and automatic fixes for that product. Support for Windows XP, for instance, ended in April 2014. That said, recent malware attacks have caused Microsoft to continue support for their outdated operating system. Read on to find out more.… Continue reading Microsoft issues security patch for XP

Why is Windows XP getting updates?

Microsoft products usually have an end-of-support date, where no more feature updates and security patches will be offered. However, earlier this month, Microsoft has released a security update for Windows XP, an operating system that has been unsupported since 2014. Although releasing a patch for an old system seems unusual, Microsoft does have its reasons.… Continue reading Why is Windows XP getting updates?

Wikileaks details router vulnerabilities

When we write about how antivirus software isn’t enough to keep you safe from malware, it’s not just scare tactics. There are so many ways hackers can break into your system that antivirus solutions will never catch. For a real-world example, look no further than the router exploit kit recently leaked from the CIA. The… Continue reading Wikileaks details router vulnerabilities

Worrying evidence of poor router security

Adding to the list of reasons to outsource your network security to a certified IT provider, a recent CIA leak shows just how vulnerable most network routers really are. Read on to learn why this is such a big vulnerability and what you can do to fix it. The Wikileaks CIA documents For several months,… Continue reading Worrying evidence of poor router security

Does the CIA have access to your router?

There are an exhausting number of cyber security threats to watch out for, and unfortunately you need to add another to the list. A recent leak from the CIA proves that routers are one of the weakest links in network security. The Wikileaks CIA documents For several months, the notorious website famous for leaking government… Continue reading Does the CIA have access to your router?

Fixing computers drains your firm’s funds

Aside from overseeing your business’s network security, IT security staff are also adept at fixing personal computers. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they should. In fact, such occurrences ought to be minimized, if not avoided altogether. Your security personnel should be focusing on more pressing issues. But if they’re toiling over PC repairs, not only… Continue reading Fixing computers drains your firm’s funds