Technology Advice for Small Businesses

7 things every Windows 10 user should know

Windows 10 stands tall as Microsoft’s best operating system release to date, hands down. But having undergone serious revamping, the OS is ready to rock and scroll. Boasting a myriad of new features, the updated Windows 10 is both efficient and effortless — fully capable of redefining your computing experience for good. Become a Windows… Continue reading 7 things every Windows 10 user should know

7 tips every Windows 10 user should know

The difference between regular users and power users is their proficiency in navigating the OS and utilizing its tips and tricks for an efficient computing experience. It may take anywhere from a few sessions to a few months to really get into the swing of it. Achieve power user status in a jiffy with the… Continue reading 7 tips every Windows 10 user should know

Enhance Windows 10 with these 7 features

In today’s modern age, being great simply isn’t enough. With enhanced efficiency, appealing aesthetics, and unparalleled user-friendliness, Windows 10 goes the extra mile to be the best. The new update boasts nifty tips and tricks that help users up their tech game in no time. Here are seven tips to help you become a Windows… Continue reading Enhance Windows 10 with these 7 features