Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Let Office 365 help you save the date

Arranging meetings that work with everyone’s schedules is a pain — especially if participants don’t work in your office. A calendar that is easy to share publicly simplifies everything from scheduling calls with clients to quarterly meetings with business partners. Here’s how you can achieve that with Office 365. Share an Office 365 calendar with… Continue reading Let Office 365 help you save the date

Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Office 365 receives updates so often that they’re hard to track. But the software suite’s basic calendar functions will always be among the most popular. If you’d like to let people outside of your organization see your calendar, all it takes is a few clicks. Share an Office 365 calendar with specific people Click the… Continue reading Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Simplify calendar sharing with Office 365

Calendar apps have done wonders for the business world. They’ve made it so much simpler to schedule meetings with colleagues, manage projects, and increase productivity. But things can get sticky when you want someone outside of your organization to see your calendar. Thankfully, Office 365 tackles this challenge. Share an Office 365 calendar with specific… Continue reading Simplify calendar sharing with Office 365

Let Office 365 help you save the date

When you’re planning a reunion, going back and forth with your friends is frustrating, to say the least. Imagine a similar scenario in your office. The benefits of sharing your calendar with colleagues include knowing when to hold meetings, set project deadlines as well as knowing the best time to talk with clients. Knowing this,… Continue reading Let Office 365 help you save the date

Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Calendar sharing is one of those mundane yet vital components of effective scheduling. The task of sharing one’s calendar hasn’t always been easy, and many wonder why. Microsoft has recently improved upon its calendar sharing features in Office 365 for all users, and here are some of the reasons you should accept the latest advancement… Continue reading Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Simplify calendar sharing with Office 365

Knowing your friend’s schedules comes in handy when you’re trying to arrange a reunion, and the same can be said for businesses. Through calendar sharing, employees can simultaneously arrange meetings, prioritize projects and set schedules for contacting customers. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Recently, Microsoft made changes to its calendar sharing function… Continue reading Simplify calendar sharing with Office 365

Collaboration at the heart of Office 2016

Office 2016 has arrived, and it brings with it an array of new features and touched-up existing elements, all designed to make your business more productive. At the heart of those efforts is a renewed focus on collaboration, with features to enable your teams to communicate, share documents and work together more smoothly. Here’s what… Continue reading Collaboration at the heart of Office 2016

Microsoft Office 2016 pushes collaboration

One of the biggest buzzwords going in the IT industry these days is collaboration. But it’s more than merely a buzzword – effective collaboration among colleagues, clients and partners can mean the difference between a team that performs sluggishly and one delivering at its peak. So it’s no real wonder Microsoft has made collaboration a… Continue reading Microsoft Office 2016 pushes collaboration

Office 2016 focuses on collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of the modern business, and those organizations that perform well, get more done and have a healthier bottom line are those that communicate, share and work together most effectively. The latest release of Office 2016, recently made available by Microsoft, puts a renewed focus on tools that empower your employees… Continue reading Office 2016 focuses on collaboration

Dropbox just got easier to use on mobile

The smartest businesses are already using the potential of the Cloud to work together and collaborate on documents across teams, timezones and locations. Alongside Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox is a popular Cloud-based platform for sharing files among colleagues. But for the platform to truly aid your company’s productivity, it needs to work seamlessly… Continue reading Dropbox just got easier to use on mobile