Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Dropbox introduces Smart Sync and Showcase

Stop transferring files from your full local hard disk and start working — this seems to be Dropbox’s new tagline for its newly launched feature, Smart Sync. It promises to rid you of the constant worry of limited disk space. Read on to learn more. Stop worrying about storage space Gone are the days when… Continue reading Dropbox introduces Smart Sync and Showcase

New features from Dropbox Professional

Have you ever calculated how much productivity was lost on time spent deciding which files to delete and which to keep because your computer’s hard disk ran out of space? With Dropbox’s new plan, you’ll never have to worry about running out of hard drive space again. Read on to see why. Stop worrying about… Continue reading New features from Dropbox Professional

Here comes Dropbox Professional

Lack of storage space is something we all have to deal with at some point. You’ll be forced to delete some seemingly unnecessary files, only to find out that you actually needed them later. What would you do? Dropbox offers a quick fix with its new Professional plan. Read on to learn more. Stop worrying… Continue reading Here comes Dropbox Professional

Dropbox doc scanner comes to Android

Back in the day, you needed bulky scanners to digitize paper documents. But now, Android users will have an easier alternative. Last month, Dropbox announced that they would bring their doc scanner feature to Android devices. If you’re looking to conduct business on the go, this feature will be a useful addition to your smartphone.… Continue reading Dropbox doc scanner comes to Android

You can now scan documents on Android

Good news for Android users of Dropbox apps. Last month, Dropbox announced a new app update that will bring the very useful document scanning feature to Google’s operating system. This means you no longer have to use a bulky scanner to convert files into PDFs — just bring your Android device. Read on below for… Continue reading You can now scan documents on Android

Dropbox scanning now available in Android

In the past, “scanning documents” meant using a dedicated scanner to convert the physical document into a PDF or image file. Nowadays, however, you can simply scan documents on your phone. The camera feature has made it incredibly easy to capture an image of your document. But if you want to create a PDF with… Continue reading Dropbox scanning now available in Android

Keep your Dropbox secure

The next time you visit, you may be asked to create a new password. Why? Back in 2012 the cloud storage firm was hacked, and while it thought only email addresses had been stolen, new evidence has come to light that user passwords were compromised, too. So if you’ve been using Dropbox since that… Continue reading Keep your Dropbox secure

Change your Dropbox password

In 2012, cloud storage firm Dropbox was hacked with over two-thirds of its users’ details dumped all over the internet. While the company initially thought a collection of email addresses was the only thing stolen, it was wrong — passwords had been compromised as well. This new information came to light when the database was… Continue reading Change your Dropbox password

Reset your Dropbox password

Remember in 2012 when Dropbox’s data, which contained details of around two-thirds of its customers, were leaked? At the time, Dropbox reported that a collection of users’ email addresses had been stolen, but it wasn’t until recently that the company discovered that passwords had been stolen as well. So what does this mean for Dropbox… Continue reading Reset your Dropbox password

Fans of Dropbox can collaborate with Paper

The only documents not worth the paper they’re printed on are the ones that never receive a second pair of eyes. At least, that’s how we’re interpreting the release Dropbox’s newest document collaboration service. Long a bastion of cloud storage, the company is broadening its offerings with a new online workspace called ‘Paper.’ Does it… Continue reading Fans of Dropbox can collaborate with Paper