Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Why downloading iOS 10.1 is the right choice

Many people hesitate to download updates when new ones comes out for their iPhone. However, with the exception of a few problematic updates in the past, most have only improved iPhone functionality and security. The latest iPhone update, specifically the iOS 10.1 update, is one you should not hesitate to download immediately. Find out more… Continue reading Why downloading iOS 10.1 is the right choice

Download iOS 10.1 right now and here’s why

If you want to make sure that your iPhone reliably works the way it should and that all the information in it is secure, you should always pay special attention to updates as soon as they become available. Although you may be hesitant to immediately download the latest iOS 10.1 update, you should get to… Continue reading Download iOS 10.1 right now and here’s why

Why you should download iOS 10.1 ASAP

When it comes to your smartphone, especially if you have an iPhone, there is rarely a month or a season that goes by without a new software update available for you to download. Foregoing the updates is tempting, especially when you are busy and just need to be on your phone. However, these updates are… Continue reading Why you should download iOS 10.1 ASAP

Keep your Dropbox secure

The next time you visit, you may be asked to create a new password. Why? Back in 2012 the cloud storage firm was hacked, and while it thought only email addresses had been stolen, new evidence has come to light that user passwords were compromised, too. So if you’ve been using Dropbox since that… Continue reading Keep your Dropbox secure

Change your Dropbox password

In 2012, cloud storage firm Dropbox was hacked with over two-thirds of its users’ details dumped all over the internet. While the company initially thought a collection of email addresses was the only thing stolen, it was wrong — passwords had been compromised as well. This new information came to light when the database was… Continue reading Change your Dropbox password

Reset your Dropbox password

Remember in 2012 when Dropbox’s data, which contained details of around two-thirds of its customers, were leaked? At the time, Dropbox reported that a collection of users’ email addresses had been stolen, but it wasn’t until recently that the company discovered that passwords had been stolen as well. So what does this mean for Dropbox… Continue reading Reset your Dropbox password

The Ashley Madison hack and your company

You’re probably all too aware of the Ashley Madison hack by now. Maybe you are closely following the names and people involved, perhaps you don’t care or most likely you are somewhere in the middle. No matter where you find yourself standing on this issue, it should be used as a valuable learning tool for… Continue reading The Ashley Madison hack and your company

Learning from the Ashley Madison hack

The Ashley Madison hack is simply the latest case of a big time company having valuable data stolen. It’s a trend that shows no signs of subsiding, so you would be foolish to not pay attention to it. Want to know what your business should learn about security from this scandal? Here are three important… Continue reading Learning from the Ashley Madison hack

Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack

Regardless of what you think about the Ashley Madison hack, it is big news when it comes to data security. While your company may not be as big or deal with such a sensitive topic like Ashley Madison, you can still be at risk. This scandal can serve as a springboard to improving security throughout… Continue reading Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack

What to learn from Sony’s security breach

The scale of the recent security breaches at Sony, which led to the cancellation of The Interview’s theatrical release, can make the company’s problems seem beyond the realm of the average small business. But the security mishaps that created the circumstances for the hack are as applicable to modest local and regional companies as they… Continue reading What to learn from Sony’s security breach