Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The Ashley Madison hack and your company

You’re probably all too aware of the Ashley Madison hack by now. Maybe you are closely following the names and people involved, perhaps you don’t care or most likely you are somewhere in the middle. No matter where you find yourself standing on this issue, it should be used as a valuable learning tool for… Continue reading The Ashley Madison hack and your company

Learning from the Ashley Madison hack

The Ashley Madison hack is simply the latest case of a big time company having valuable data stolen. It’s a trend that shows no signs of subsiding, so you would be foolish to not pay attention to it. Want to know what your business should learn about security from this scandal? Here are three important… Continue reading Learning from the Ashley Madison hack

Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack

Regardless of what you think about the Ashley Madison hack, it is big news when it comes to data security. While your company may not be as big or deal with such a sensitive topic like Ashley Madison, you can still be at risk. This scandal can serve as a springboard to improving security throughout… Continue reading Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack