Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 Common security threats you need to know

Protecting your IT systems requires understanding the security threats that can strike from both inside and outside your organization. Learn about the five most common security threats and how you can take action to safeguard your business. Accidental malware installation Malware, also known as malicious software, is software created that causes damage to computers, servers,… Continue reading 5 Common security threats you need to know

The 5 most common security risks to your IT and how to address them

Security breaches often stem from a handful of common threats, both internal and external. Identify the five most IT security risks and learn how to address them effectively to keep your systems safe. Accidental malware installation Malware, also known as malicious software, is software created that causes damage to computers, servers, or networks. It ranges… Continue reading The 5 most common security risks to your IT and how to address them

Protect your IT from the top 5 recurring security issues

From external attacks to internal vulnerabilities, security threats come in many forms. By recognizing the five most frequent IT security risks, you can implement the right measures to protect your systems and data. Accidental malware installation Malware, also known as malicious software, is software created that causes damage to computers, servers, or networks. It ranges… Continue reading Protect your IT from the top 5 recurring security issues

1.2 billion accounts compromised

Since the advent of the Internet, hackers have been actively trying to exploit it. Over the past few years, many have targeted different websites to obtain user account details like usernames and passwords. There seems to be a trend where the number of accounts compromised with each new security announcement is rising. In early August,… Continue reading 1.2 billion accounts compromised

Russian hackers expose 1.2 B accounts

The idea of Internet security is almost always being called into question. It seems like nearly every month there is a security breach where important information like usernames and passwords are stolen. The trend appears to be increasing, with an ever expanding number of accounts being hacked. In early August, news broke of possibly the… Continue reading Russian hackers expose 1.2 B accounts

Massive new security threat exposed

It seems like nearly every week, and in some cases nearly every day, there is some security breach announced. The vast majority of these assaults tend to revolve around online user accounts, where password, account information, and even usernames are stolen. Over the years, there has been a general trend where the number of accounts… Continue reading Massive new security threat exposed