Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 Types of PC clutter and how to get rid of them

Not only does clutter on your desktop and hard drive slow down your computer, but it also makes it difficult to find the files you need. Here are five types of PC clutter impeding your computer’s performance and your productivity, and some nifty tips to get rid of them. 5 Types of PC clutter There… Continue reading 5 Types of PC clutter and how to get rid of them

Get rid of PC clutter with these tips

Has your Windows 10 PC been running slowly? It’s likely because your desktop and hard drive are a jumbled mess of shortcuts, files, and other digital clutter. Let’s take a look at five types of clutter you should remove to get your computer performing like new. 5 Types of PC clutter There are five types… Continue reading Get rid of PC clutter with these tips

Handy tips to declutter your Windows 10 PC

If your computer is cluttered with unused apps, error logs, and bloatware, it’s not going to run optimally. This, in turn, could slow you down at work and bring down your productivity. Fortunately, decluttering your computer is easy — just follow these tips. 5 Types of PC clutter There are five types of clutter that… Continue reading Handy tips to declutter your Windows 10 PC

How to remove these 5 computer clutter types

Unused apps, error logs, and user bloat are some things that may be cluttering up your computer, causing it to function at less than peak performance. We’ll show you how to remove clutter from your Windows 10 PC and get it to run smoothly again. 5 Types of PC clutter There are five types of… Continue reading How to remove these 5 computer clutter types

Get rid of these 5 types of PC clutter

Is your Windows 10 PC running slowly? It could be because of all the digital clutter your PC has to deal with. Clutter can impede your computer’s performance and eat away at its memory. To have your computer performing at top speed again, you need to get rid of clutter. This blog will show you… Continue reading Get rid of these 5 types of PC clutter

Guide to removing these 5 PC clutter types

It doesn’t take long for computer desktops and hard drives to become cluttered, and it’s probably why your Windows 10 PC has been so slow lately. This blog post will show you how to get rid of digital clutter so that your computer will be performing like new in no time. 5 Types of PC… Continue reading Guide to removing these 5 PC clutter types

Get rid of these 5 types of PC clutter

Is your PC running slowly? It could be because of all the digital clutter it has to deal with. Clutter can impede your computer’s performance and eat away at its memory. To have your computer performing at top speed again, you need to get rid of these five types of clutter. Here’s how to do… Continue reading Get rid of these 5 types of PC clutter

Windows 10’s declutter tools clean up your PC

Unused apps, error logs, and user bloat are some things that may be cluttering up your computer, causing it to function at less than peak performance. So how do you remove clutter from your PC and get it to run smoothly again? These Windows tools have got you covered. There are five types of clutter… Continue reading Windows 10’s declutter tools clean up your PC

Declutter your PC with these Windows tools

It doesn’t take long for computer desktops and hard drives to become cluttered, and it’s probably why your PC has been so slow lately. Luckily, Windows has great tools for getting rid of these five types of digital clutter that will have your computer performing like new in no time flat. There are five types… Continue reading Declutter your PC with these Windows tools