Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The Importance of Disaster Recovery

Most business owners don’t normally think they will be a victim of a natural disaster…not until an unforeseen crisis happens and their company ends up suffering from thousands or millions of dollars in economic and operational losses — all because of the lack of thoughtful disaster preparedness. This post gives small or mid-sized businesses (SMBs)… Continue reading The Importance of Disaster Recovery

Can Your Business Survive A Disaster?

Disasters. They do happen — it’s only a matter of ‘when’. While most businesses acknowledge it, surveys show that only one in four companies worldwide have adequate protection in the event of a major disruption. We’re not talking about insurance here, but a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan that could save you thousands of dollars in… Continue reading Can Your Business Survive A Disaster?

It’s Time To Disaster-Proof Your Business

When and if disaster strikes, is your business going to continue to operate and cater to customers despite a possible long-term hardware failure or a network disruption? If you answer no or are not even sure what to do, you are part of a majority of business owners who have not considered disaster preparedness and… Continue reading It’s Time To Disaster-Proof Your Business

Business interruption insurance 101

While it is highly likely that you have an insurance policy that will cover your small or medium-sized business in the event of a disaster, chances are you don’t have business interruption insurance. The majority of smaller companies tend to overlook interruption policies, believing (or at least hoping) that regular insurance will be enough to… Continue reading Business interruption insurance 101

A guide to interruption insurance

You are protecting your small or medium-sized business with insurance – of course you are. But is that really enough? The recent increase in natural disasters has led savvy business owners to also take out business interruption insurance, which covers many additional scenarios in the event that you are unable to carry on operating. Think… Continue reading A guide to interruption insurance

Interruption insurance for businesses

Natural disasters have increased exponentially in the last few years – something that has resulted in a number of small and medium-sized business owners turning to business interruption insurance for protection. Covering many scenarios that regular business insurance simply ignores, adequate protection can be the make-or-break factor when it comes to surviving a natural or… Continue reading Interruption insurance for businesses

How to start your company’s ORM

Almost every company out there has a website and social media presence, but the most successful ones also use Online Reputation Management (ORM). Simply having an online presence is no longer enough; your company must also be constantly monitoring it. It’s easy to start working on your ORM and use it to take your company… Continue reading How to start your company’s ORM

Steps to get your ORM started

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is something ever more companies are investing in. Even small and medium-sized businesses are getting in on the act. In today’s world, a company’s online reputation is more likely than ever to make or break them. The good news is setting up your company’s ORM is probably easier than you think.… Continue reading Steps to get your ORM started

Protect your online rep with ORM

The more your company expands, the bigger its online presence will become. This means keeping eye on what your company puts online, as well as what others are saying about you, becomes a vital task. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is important, and here’s how you can get started with it. ORM is still a relatively… Continue reading Protect your online rep with ORM