Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Easy ways to lock your Mac when you’re away from keyboard

It’s a security risk to leave your Mac unlocked when you’re away from your desk. Anyone could simply use it to access your accounts, files, or personal information. To protect your Mac, you should lock it whenever it’s not in use. If you’re unsure of how to lock your device, or if you’re looking for… Continue reading Easy ways to lock your Mac when you’re away from keyboard

Mac security 101: The ultimate guide to locking your Mac

Locking your Mac when you’re away from your desk is a simple way to protect your privacy and security. It only takes a few seconds, and it can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Whether you’re grabbing a coffee or dashing to a meeting, the following tips will keep your Mac… Continue reading Mac security 101: The ultimate guide to locking your Mac

How to keep your Mac secure when you’re not using it

If you use or own a Mac, you should know that thousands of such devices are compromised every year because users fail to lock their devices when they leave their desks. The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to protect your Mac from theft and unauthorized access. This… Continue reading How to keep your Mac secure when you’re not using it

5 Tips to speed up your Mac

Isn’t it annoying when your Mac computer lags while you’re in the middle of a business transaction? Considering how you need to focus on what you’re doing, these lag times can block your thought process which can be very frustrating. If you’ve had enough of your slow Mac, there are some things you can try… Continue reading 5 Tips to speed up your Mac

Speed up your Mac with these 5 tips

Let’s face it, any computer you use for more than a couple of years will begin to slow down over time, Macs included. If having a slow Mac computer is gravely reducing your business’s productivity, then reading this article will help you solve that issue. These 5 tips are probably some of the best methods… Continue reading Speed up your Mac with these 5 tips

These tips will speed up your Mac

Why struggle with having a slow Mac computer if there are several ways to speed it up? It’s no secret that having a slow computer can be very limiting (not to mention frustrating) when running your business. It’s because most business transactions and processes are done via the computer that you should make sure that… Continue reading These tips will speed up your Mac