Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Bluetooth users beware!

Bluetooth technology helps simplify our daily lives — it allows for hands free communication, a quick and easy way to share content with friends, family, colleagues, and more. In fact, 45 percent of Americans have Bluetooth enabled across multiple devices. This raises the question: Does using Bluetooth leave our doors opened to hacker attacks? Google… Continue reading Bluetooth users beware!

Linux bug infecting Android users

Bugs have come a long way, and they’re not just creepy-crawlies anymore. So we have to worry not only about the bugs that we contract and make us physically ill, but also the bugs that threaten the security of our beloved smartphones. Most people overlook bugs since they’re so tiny, but what they lack in… Continue reading Linux bug infecting Android users

Linux bug threatens Android users

Despite great efforts to prevent broken hearts and to enhance mobile security, there’ll always be the one that gets away. It’s not uncommon for us to overlook things small in size; we rationalize this by assuring ourselves that no substantial harm can come from things so tiny. But with mobile security it’s the little guys… Continue reading Linux bug threatens Android users

Android users threatened by Linux bug

In the Trojan War, a wooden horse wheeled into the city of Troy. Once night fell, the Greek army crept out of the hollow stallion and opened the city’s gates. Having breached the mighty fortress, the entire regiment eventually sealed their victory against the Trojans and won the war. The moral of the story is… Continue reading Android users threatened by Linux bug

Protect business data with these tips

Business data is something you can’t afford to lose, since it could lead to you losing the trust of your clients, resulting in loss of revenue. And since the hackers aren’t going anywhere, it’s more important than ever to employ security measures to protect your business data. It’s true that some hackers might be so… Continue reading Protect business data with these tips

Securing your company’s data

There have been many security breaches to big-name companies over the past few years – eBay, Adobe, Home Depot, and Sony Pictures to name a few. While large enterprises are primary targets for hackers, small and medium-sized businesses are also vulnerable, and therefore need to arm themselves against data security threats. More often than not… Continue reading Securing your company’s data

5 tips to keep your corporate data safe

Data breaches occur every day, even to the most secured firms and well-known financial institutions – and it could happen to your company as well. How can you be sure that your network is completely protected from hackers? As a business owner you can’t afford to face a data breach, since it could cost you… Continue reading 5 tips to keep your corporate data safe

Improved internet security with 3 easy tips

Are you concerned about internet security? Did you know there are a few simple ways to get increased protection that require only minimal investment of time? We’re not just talking about changing your passwords regularly or installing antivirus software. There are a few other methods that are less often talked about – here are three… Continue reading Improved internet security with 3 easy tips

Easy tips for better internet security

With over 3 billion internet users around the globe totaling roughly 40 percent of the population, the internet is rife with opportunities for hackers to steal your information. And with technology constantly evolving and the internet growing, it’s not likely to get safer anytime soon. It therefore pays to take extra precautions when surfing the… Continue reading Easy tips for better internet security

Better online security with these 3 easy tips

Most of us know we should make our passwords more difficult (sorry, folks, “1234” or “qwerty” just doesn’t cut it) and use an up-to-date version of antivirus software. But all too often, we opt for an easy life – use familiar passwords and put upgrades on the back burner. But security can be simpler than… Continue reading Better online security with these 3 easy tips