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Linux bug infecting Android users

Bugs have come a long way, and they’re not just creepy-crawlies anymore. So we have to worry not only about the bugs that we contract and make us physically ill, but also the bugs that threaten the security of our beloved smartphones. Most people overlook bugs since they’re so tiny, but what they lack in… Continue reading Linux bug infecting Android users

Linux bug threatens Android users

Despite great efforts to prevent broken hearts and to enhance mobile security, there’ll always be the one that gets away. It’s not uncommon for us to overlook things small in size; we rationalize this by assuring ourselves that no substantial harm can come from things so tiny. But with mobile security it’s the little guys… Continue reading Linux bug threatens Android users

Android users threatened by Linux bug

In the Trojan War, a wooden horse wheeled into the city of Troy. Once night fell, the Greek army crept out of the hollow stallion and opened the city’s gates. Having breached the mighty fortress, the entire regiment eventually sealed their victory against the Trojans and won the war. The moral of the story is… Continue reading Android users threatened by Linux bug