Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Return of the smartphone attack

Due to the recent WannaCry ransomware exploits, business owners are refocusing their efforts on protecting computer networks. Despite that, many leave one key device unaccounted for: their smartphone. The truth is hackers can exploit the technology in your smartphone to conduct malicious acts, and one of the most common is Bluetooth technology. Google paid a… Continue reading Return of the smartphone attack

Bluesnarfing: what you need to know

When buying a technological device today, whether it’s a smartphone, a speaker, a keyboard or a smart watch, one of things people look for is Bluetooth compatibility. And who could blame them when Bluetooth has become a ubiquitous feature of technology that everyone can’t live without. But just like any technology, convenience can quickly turn… Continue reading Bluesnarfing: what you need to know

Bluetooth users beware!

Bluetooth technology helps simplify our daily lives — it allows for hands free communication, a quick and easy way to share content with friends, family, colleagues, and more. In fact, 45 percent of Americans have Bluetooth enabled across multiple devices. This raises the question: Does using Bluetooth leave our doors opened to hacker attacks? Google… Continue reading Bluetooth users beware!