Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Using concatenate in Excel

If you use Excel there is a good chance that you have used a wide variety of formulas. But, when it comes to working out how to combine the content of different cells into a new one, without adding them together, many users will simply cut and paste. Did you know though that the concatenate… Continue reading Using concatenate in Excel

How to combine cells in Excel

Have you ever been working with a list in Excel and had to combine more than two cells into a new cell? The seemingly easiest way to do this is to copy the contents from both cells and paste them into the new cell, then edit them for spacing. But, did you know that there… Continue reading How to combine cells in Excel

Excel tip: Combining info

Excel is heavily dependant on formulas, and it seems like there is literally a formula for everything. For example, have you ever been working in Excel and needed to combine the contents of two different cells into a new one without adding them together? While you can copy and paste the content of the different… Continue reading Excel tip: Combining info

Excel headers and footers 101

Microsoft Excel has become an increasingly versatile work application catering to most businesses, big and small. While most users are familiar with all the functions the app has to offer, many are still unaware that you can add a header or footer to your spreadsheets. With that in mind, it’s time for a comprehensive view… Continue reading Excel headers and footers 101

Insert headers and footers in Excel

It’s undeniable that Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet applications used by businesses today. Not only does it simplify the process of creating spreadsheets with complex built-in formulas and colorful, descriptive charts, but it also allows you to add headers and footers. Let’s take a look at what headers and footers are… Continue reading Insert headers and footers in Excel

Add headers and footers in Excel

Most business users are familiar with using work applications like Microsoft Excel. While Excel creates charts and tables to make information easier to read, there’s a function that most users tend to forget, or are unaware of – headers and footers. So let’s see what they are and how adding them to your spreadsheet can… Continue reading Add headers and footers in Excel

Outlook’s new search folder

Microsoft Outlook is an application used for managing personal information including email, tasks, contacts, and calendars. It is one of the programs that is included when you install Microsoft Office on your computer. While Outlook has many useful features, one of the most useful is the ability to create new search folders which let you… Continue reading Outlook’s new search folder

Customize Outlook’s search folder

Microsoft Outlook can be convenient to use to read and send emails on different accounts. Outlook is popular largely because it offers the convenience of not having to sign into different email clients to check your messages. Aside from your default mail folders like inbox, drafts, sent and junk, it also comes with search folders… Continue reading Customize Outlook’s search folder

Using the new search folder in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is an application included in the Microsoft Office Suite. While it’s most commonly used to access different email accounts e.g., personal and business, it also has other features, including calendar, contacts, and tasks. It also comes with a search folder that lets you instantly find messages that fall under certain criteria. Outlook is… Continue reading Using the new search folder in Outlook