Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Threats facing financial institutions today

Despite efforts to remain secure, financial services make up 35% of all data breaches, earning the unfortunate title of most breached sector. It provides multiple avenues for cybercriminals to monetize their skills through extortion, theft, and fraud. These incidents compel businesses and individuals to take cybersecurity seriously. How prepared is your business? A good starting… Continue reading Threats facing financial institutions today

Top security threats to financial services

Hackers go for the gold. This means that banking information makes for the number one target. These cyberattacks lead to the theft of large sums of money, undermine the economic stability of individuals and organizations, as well as destroy the reputation of banks and other financial institutions. When these incidents occur, the damage can be… Continue reading Top security threats to financial services

Cyberthreats and the finance sector

The financial sector has long been heavily targeted by cybercriminals. Over the years, the number of attacks that involved extortion, social engineering, and credential-stealing malware has surged rapidly. This means that financial institutions should strive to familiarize themselves with the threats and the agents behind them. Here are seven new threats and tactics, techniques, and… Continue reading Cyberthreats and the finance sector

How to create engaging content

With 4.75 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook and 500 million tweets shared every day, harnessing crucial social media data is becoming an increasingly monumental task. Businesses need to leverage social media in order to deliver relevant and personalized content to customers. You can make it happen by taking these four steps: Identify what’s… Continue reading How to create engaging content

Enhance content through social media

When social media is used correctly, marketers can better understand their target audience and thus create better content and deliver it more effectively. This is vital since you’ll be able to send customers tailor-made content that helps increase conversion rates and sales revenue. Grow your business with social media with these four steps: Identify what’s… Continue reading Enhance content through social media

Social media helps improve content

To truly understand their customers’ purchasing habits, all content marketers have to do is follow the clues left on social media platforms. By doing this, they can send the right content to the right audience and increase conversions and sales. Here’s what you need to know to utilize social media to your business’s advantage. Identify… Continue reading Social media helps improve content

Four Facebook features for your business

Facebook has numerous built-in features to help small- and medium-sized businesses thrive. But chances are that most business owners are taking advantage of only just a few. With Facebook’s audience reaching 1.8 billion users monthly, it’s vital for your business to leverage the right tools to enhance growth. Here are four features you should start… Continue reading Four Facebook features for your business

Your SMB needs these Facebook tools

Facebook is like a Swiss Army knife, practical and featureful. But did you know that Facebook has hundreds of built-in marketing features that 1.8 billion users worldwide are mostly oblivious to? With that in mind, here are four Facebook features you can use to boost your SMB’s social marketing efforts: Audience Insights tool This free… Continue reading Your SMB needs these Facebook tools

The Facebook tools your business needs

Businesses in the digital age rely on a strong online presence to stand a chance against stiff competition. This explains why many SMBs are turning to social media marketing. And with platforms like Facebook with a global audience of 1.8 billion users, the time to leverage the right tools to your advantage is now. Audience… Continue reading The Facebook tools your business needs

Best CRM Software Options for 2016

If genie lamps were out of stock before you could place an order for one, the next best thing to manage and grow your small- and medium-sized business lies in CRM. Short for customer relationship management, a real difference is possible, with the right software of course. With the numerous options out there, finding the… Continue reading Best CRM Software Options for 2016