Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Cybersecurity approaches to keep PHI safe

Healthcare organizations have always kept the possibility of data breaches in mind, especially since 2017 witnessed the biggest and most expensive data breach to date. To counter this, more businesses have hired certified technicians, but that’s not enough. They also need to implement the most advanced systems and protocols to reinforce their work, namely: Routine… Continue reading Cybersecurity approaches to keep PHI safe

Cybersecurity protocols to protect PHI

As you are well aware, healthcare companies and the vast amount of valuable patient information they hold have become a major target of cyberattacks. Hospitals must combat this with a highly-trained team of technicians equipped with premium systems and protocols, including: Routine Access Monitoring To control access to protected health information (PHI), your IT department… Continue reading Cybersecurity protocols to protect PHI

Secure PHI with tech defenses

News regarding hospital data breaches that disclose thousands of medical records emerge at a distressing rate, yet these attacks shouldn’t really come as a surprise. All this valuable data will cost a hefty price on the black market, which makes them great incentives for cybercriminals. Counter this by arming your team with the best systems… Continue reading Secure PHI with tech defenses

Surf the net with Microsoft Edge

People prefer one web browser over another for all kinds of reasons, including ease of use, applications, security and of course, performance. If you’ve recently downloaded Windows 10, there’s a new browser on the block: Microsoft Edge. Here are some nifty features you may find useful. Import favorites You can easily import the list of… Continue reading Surf the net with Microsoft Edge

What can users expect with Microsoft Edge?

Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer as the default web browser on Windows 10. Edge offers plenty of new features that optimize web searches and ensure a seamless transition from any web browser. Here is the rundown on some noteworthy features: Import favorites You can easily import the list of websites you’ve marked as favorites… Continue reading What can users expect with Microsoft Edge?

Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Not all Windows users are fans of Internet Explorer, and not all Mac users are crazy about Safari. But there’s good news for Windows users: Windows 10 replaces IE with a brand new browser, Microsoft Edge. Here is a list of the key features you shouldn’t miss out on: Import favorites You can easily import… Continue reading Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you might think of endless copies of clouds flying out of the printer. But that analogy wouldn’t quite apply for Google’s Cloud Print service, though. This cloud-computing hybrid allows you to access both regular and internet-enabled printers through the Internet. What are the benefits? Are they worth… Continue reading Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

The latest Cloud Print service from Google

Not too long ago, the thought of being able to access printers from your computer, tablets or smartphones was almost unheard of. But today, it’s a completely different story — enter Google’s Cloud service. Now you can access both regular and Internet-enabled printers through the web. Read on for more information. First things first, the… Continue reading The latest Cloud Print service from Google

Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

Despite today’s paperless business environment, every now and then there comes a time when you just have to use a printer. And since many businesses have embraced cloud computing, why not combine the cloud with regular printers? Will these devices enjoy the same benefits that cloud computing businesses enjoy? Find out more about Google’s Cloud… Continue reading Google’s game changing Cloud Print service