Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

You may think that your printing infrastructure is only a minimal company expense. But if it is not managed well, you may end up with a bloated IT budget that mostly comprises of hardware and supplies purchases and equipment maintenance costs. Your business can save money and time by following these 5 tips. Replace outdated… Continue reading Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

Save on printing costs with these 5 tips

Managing your print infrastructure efficiently will minimize your IT budget. It sounds impossible, but it can be done. Many small and big enterprises don’t realize that they are using ineffective printing models, but you can make a difference if you follow these tips. Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be functional, but they… Continue reading Save on printing costs with these 5 tips

5 tips to lower your printing costs

Your growing printing expenditures may be the result of over-dependence on hard copies, the lack of an effective printing workflow, and obsolete printers. With some fresh ideas, clever problem-solving, and the following tips, you could significantly cut down your printing budget. Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be functional, but they are putting… Continue reading 5 tips to lower your printing costs

Reduce your printing costs with these 5 tips

Outdated printers, the lack of a printing workflow, and an over-reliance on hard copies may be contributing to your ballooning printing expenditures. With some creative problem-solving and fresh ideas, you could drastically reduce your printing budget. Start by following these five tips. Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be functional, but they are… Continue reading Reduce your printing costs with these 5 tips

Useful tips on reducing your IT budget

You can easily lower your IT budget by better managing your print infrastructure. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s totally doable. Companies big and small follow inefficient printing models without even realizing it, but you can break the mold by following these tips: Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be… Continue reading Useful tips on reducing your IT budget

5 Simple ways to cut your printing costs

It may not seem as though your printing infrastructure is costing your business a great deal. But if left unmanaged, you could end up with an overinflated IT budget dominated by equipment maintenance and hardware and supplies purchases. Here are some ways to avoid that. Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be functional,… Continue reading 5 Simple ways to cut your printing costs

Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you might think of endless copies of clouds flying out of the printer. But that analogy wouldn’t quite apply for Google’s Cloud Print service, though. This cloud-computing hybrid allows you to access both regular and internet-enabled printers through the Internet. What are the benefits? Are they worth… Continue reading Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

The latest Cloud Print service from Google

Not too long ago, the thought of being able to access printers from your computer, tablets or smartphones was almost unheard of. But today, it’s a completely different story — enter Google’s Cloud service. Now you can access both regular and Internet-enabled printers through the web. Read on for more information. First things first, the… Continue reading The latest Cloud Print service from Google

Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

Despite today’s paperless business environment, every now and then there comes a time when you just have to use a printer. And since many businesses have embraced cloud computing, why not combine the cloud with regular printers? Will these devices enjoy the same benefits that cloud computing businesses enjoy? Find out more about Google’s Cloud… Continue reading Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

4 ways to print from your Android device

There was once a time when a broken laptop meant your life was flipped upside down. That’s not the case anymore as long as you have an Android device with you. Everyone knows that you can check emails, edit documents stored in the cloud, and make video calls as well. What few seem to realize… Continue reading 4 ways to print from your Android device