Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Add hours to your day with these hacks

There are only so many hours in a workday, so making the most of your time is vital. If distracting websites, unorganized files, and cluttered inboxes prevent you from getting work done, consider these tips to better manage your time and stay productive at work. Monitor productivity levels Start by tracking how much work you… Continue reading Add hours to your day with these hacks

Productivity-boosting tips for PC users

We all want to become more productive. Business gurus always emphasize the importance of time management and taking breaks to avoid burnout. But aside from motivating yourself to work more efficiently, there are plenty of tools that increase your daily output. If you use a computer all day, check out these productivity-boosting tips. Monitor productivity… Continue reading Productivity-boosting tips for PC users

Mobile ransomware is coming for your Android

If malware infects your computer, it would either crash at random, display annoying ads or notifications, or slow down. An Android device that has been breached by malware will not immediately show any signs of infection, unless it’s ransomware. How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like its desktop equivalent, mobile ransomware needs… Continue reading Mobile ransomware is coming for your Android

Ransomware wants to get in your Android device

The increasing usage of mobile devices, specifically by businesses, will naturally entice more hackers to develop mobile ransomware. What is this form of malware, and how can you keep it from invading your Android device? How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like its desktop equivalent, mobile ransomware needs to be installed on… Continue reading Ransomware wants to get in your Android device

There is ransomware for Android devices

Ransomware is not just for computers anymore. Malicious software that can hold Android-running smartphones hostage is growing in number. With that in mind, here are some facts about ransomware, and how you can protect your device from it. How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like its desktop equivalent, mobile ransomware needs to… Continue reading There is ransomware for Android devices

AI-powered VoIP: what businesses can expect

Automating business processes is a necessity for most organizations. While the human element is still important, automation increases time to market and saves money. And because telecom is an essential part of businesses’ operations, AI developers are introducing advances in VoIP telephony that will take automation to a whole new level. Contact center operations Highly… Continue reading AI-powered VoIP: what businesses can expect

Is AI-powered VoIP the next step?

AI-driven advancements are changing the way organizations conduct business. When it comes to VoIP telephony, AI’s cognitive systems could offer proactive and predictive automation processes to increase efficiency and improve decision-making. Read on to learn how. Contact center operations Highly automated VoIP technology enables businesses to manage their call centers easily and reduce the need… Continue reading Is AI-powered VoIP the next step?

How AI can shape the future of VoIP

AI-driven applications and cloud-based services have brought significant enhancements to many organizations. As time goes by, these technologies will become a necessity, especially when it comes to VoIP telephony, and here’s why. Contact center operations Highly automated VoIP technology enables businesses to manage their call centers easily and reduce the need for human intervention For… Continue reading How AI can shape the future of VoIP

Serverless computing and its benefits

Small- and medium-sized business (SMB) owners make the mistake of thinking all of their problems can be solved by migrating to the cloud. They forget that there’s still configuring and maintaining servers to worry about; the only difference is that these tasks are done over the internet. Fortunately, serverless computing changes that entirely and offers… Continue reading Serverless computing and its benefits

Serverless computing is the next big thing

The term “serverless computing” conjures images of a world where business owners don’t need to purchase expensive hardware or configure complex software. Luckily, serverless computing isn’t just a dream — it’s completely real and is the next big thing in cloud computing. What is serverless computing? Serverless computing is a bit of a misnomer since… Continue reading Serverless computing is the next big thing