Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Advice from a failed disaster recovery audit

We can write about disaster recovery planning (DRP) until our fingers bleed, but if we never discuss real-world scenarios it’s all just fumbling in the dark. Examining these successes and failures is the best way to improve your business continuity solutions, and the recent audit of a state government office is rich with valuable takeaways.… Continue reading Advice from a failed disaster recovery audit

Real-world audits: disaster recovery plans

Failing to stop a cyber attacker, or to pass a disaster recovery plan (DRP) audit could be the product of focusing your efforts on the wrong educational resources. Because no matter how many conferences you attend, or how many certifications you receive, nothing beats real-world case studies. If that’s what you’re looking for, a state… Continue reading Real-world audits: disaster recovery plans

Is your disaster recovery plan up to par?

No matter how much we analyze your network activity, or how many cyber-security conferences we attend, nothing educates us like the missteps of real-world businesses. Learning from example is by far the best way to beef up any disaster recovery plan (DRP), and the recent audit of a state government office gifted us plenty of… Continue reading Is your disaster recovery plan up to par?

Attacks on WordPress websites

WordPress is currently the most used web platform, with a market share of 40-50% out of all Content Management Solutions (CMS) platforms. It powers various types of websites, from personal sites to those of small- and medium-sized businesses as well as multinational corporations. If you run a website on WordPress, yours may have been one… Continue reading Attacks on WordPress websites

WordPress websites under attack

It’s no surprise that millions of websites are on WordPress — it’s easy to manage, operates on an open source framework, and covers most webmasters’ Content Management Solutions (CMS) needs. What’s also no surprise? That it’s prone to attacks. Recently, some 20 attackers defaced thousands of WordPress websites. If you think 20 attackers is frightening,… Continue reading WordPress websites under attack

Vulnerabilities on WordPress websites

“Easy-to-use,” “SEO-friendly,” “open-source,” and “customizable.” These are some of the words that best describe WordPress, currently the most popular Content Management Solutions (CMS) platform. With thousands of websites affected in a recently launched series of attacks, “easy to target,” “hackers’ favorite,” and “prone to attacks” could soon be used to define the experience of running… Continue reading Vulnerabilities on WordPress websites

The right social media platforms for SMBs

Social media marketing is tricky, to say the least. It’s difficult to allocate the resources that create the desired effect, especially when so many platforms are available. Facebook might be the biggest name in the industry, but that doesn’t mean it will suit your organization. Instead, business owners should familiarize themselves with all the available… Continue reading The right social media platforms for SMBs

Social media platforms that suit your SMB

Facebook might be the biggest name in social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only one. Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all platform, there are trendier options such as Instagram and Snapchat, with a burgeoning millennial base to choose from. With that in mind, it’s essential for business owners to understand the pros and cons… Continue reading Social media platforms that suit your SMB

Which social media platforms suit your SMB?

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of social media is Facebook and for good reason. Not only does it boast the most users, but it also has the biggest reach and cultural impact. Since there is no one-size-fits-all social media platform, it’s imperative for small- and medium-sized businesses to examine their… Continue reading Which social media platforms suit your SMB?

Are your printers safe?

This is not a question often asked by anyone who has ever used a printer. Given the increasing sophistication of hackers’ capabilities, the discovery that cyber thievery can, in fact, be performed through some popular printer brands hardly comes as a surprise. One study reveals that at least 20 printer models are vulnerable to Distributed… Continue reading Are your printers safe?