Technology Advice for Small Businesses

WordPress websites under attack

It’s no surprise that millions of websites are on WordPress — it’s easy to manage, operates on an open source framework, and covers most webmasters’ Content Management Solutions (CMS) needs. What’s also no surprise? That it’s prone to attacks. Recently, some 20 attackers defaced thousands of WordPress websites. If you think 20 attackers is frightening,… Continue reading WordPress websites under attack

Attacks on WordPress websites

WordPress is currently the most used web platform, with a market share of 40-50% out of all Content Management Solutions (CMS) platforms. It powers various types of websites, from personal sites to those of small- and medium-sized businesses as well as multinational corporations. If you run a website on WordPress, yours may have been one… Continue reading Attacks on WordPress websites

Vulnerabilities on WordPress websites

“Easy-to-use,” “SEO-friendly,” “open-source,” and “customizable.” These are some of the words that best describe WordPress, currently the most popular Content Management Solutions (CMS) platform. With thousands of websites affected in a recently launched series of attacks, “easy to target,” “hackers’ favorite,” and “prone to attacks” could soon be used to define the experience of running… Continue reading Vulnerabilities on WordPress websites