Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Make the most of your cybersecurity investment

As cybersecurity incidents become more sophisticated, frequent, and intelligent, experts predict that the global market for cybersecurity products in 2020 will exceed that of last year. In fact, your company might be one of the thousands of businesses looking to purchase cybersecurity software. To maximize your company’s cybersecurity investment, follow these steps. Uncover threats and… Continue reading Make the most of your cybersecurity investment

A smart approach to cybersecurity investment

Cybersecurity is a threat to businesses across industries. Sometimes, organizations invest in security software without realizing the risks that come with it. Here are compelling reasons why identifying threats before buying cybersecurity products is paramount. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business should run a risk assessment to evaluate its current cybersecurity infrastructure. Doing so is… Continue reading A smart approach to cybersecurity investment

Check these 3 things before buying cybersecurity software

The booming market for cybersecurity products is a sign that businesses are taking the issue seriously. But before your company invests in any product, ask yourself if it’s something you really need. Here are some tips on how you can make the most out of your cybersecurity investment. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business should… Continue reading Check these 3 things before buying cybersecurity software

Assess risks before buying new software

The growing market for cybersecurity products is a sign that businesses are taking the issue seriously. But before your company jumps into investing in any product, ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Find out how you can make the most out of cybersecurity products by conducting a risk assessment. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business… Continue reading Assess risks before buying new software

Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Experts estimate that the global market for cybersecurity products this year will exceed that of last year. At first glance, an increase in spending seems necessary and shows that businesses are becoming more aware of cybersecurity issues. But a closer look may prove otherwise. Learn why your company could be investing on cybersecurity products the… Continue reading Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Consider the security risks of your software

Cybersecurity is an issue that hounds businesses of all types. Sometimes organizations invest in security software without realizing the risks that come with it. Here’s why identifying threats before buying cybersecurity products is paramount. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business should evaluate the current state of its cybersecurity by running a risk assessment. Doing so… Continue reading Consider the security risks of your software

How to stay safe from Spectre & Meltdown

Like many security flaws, the Spectre and Meltdown bugs can leak critical data from computers and mobile devices for hackers to exploit. What makes them unique is the vast number of PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones they affect. But if you use an Apple device, there are fixes that can help you temporarily protect against… Continue reading How to stay safe from Spectre & Meltdown

Spectre & Meltdown safety for Apple devices

Undoubtedly, 2018’s first set of truly bad news involves reports about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs, fundamental flaws in computer processors that can leak highly sensitive data. Researchers say they affect a majority of modern computers, and chances are your business’s devices are also affected. Luckily for Mac, iPhone and iPad users, there are ways… Continue reading Spectre & Meltdown safety for Apple devices

Spectre & Meltdown: how to protect yourself

Spectre and Meltdown are critical security flaws that affect a majority of computers today, including the one you’re using to read this. They can leak your passwords and other sensitive data, which is why software companies are working on security patches. The good news for Apple users is that fixes are now available to keep… Continue reading Spectre & Meltdown: how to protect yourself

macOS High Sierra gives away your password

A glaring security mistake has been discovered in Apple’s most recent desktop operating system. It’s not the sort of vulnerability that requires complicated malware or IT knowledge; anyone can learn this exploit in a matter of minutes to steal your password. Here’s how to stop that from happening. What is the bug? The vulnerability pertains… Continue reading macOS High Sierra gives away your password