Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Expand VoIP mobile capabilities

Business trends like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and remote work sites require many companies to expand their communication capabilities. Many companies aim to increase productivity and customer service by turning to a VoIP solution. And there are several factors which can help make your VoIP more mobile, while ensuring both your customers and employees… Continue reading Expand VoIP mobile capabilities

VoIP on-the-go

Implementation of a VoIP solution can offer businesses many tangible benefits. However, without proper management and IT support for VoIP solutions, you could see a negative impact on your productivity. You may experience limited communication from both customers and employees, especially when it comes to mobile or remote workers. The challenge is how you can… Continue reading VoIP on-the-go

Mobilize your VoIP

VoIP solutions are a great way to save costs and increase productivity, especially when it comes to remote and mobile workers. With business trends like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), companies have been forced to expand their remote communication capabilities in order to hold their own against competitors. While many companies have VoIP solutions in… Continue reading Mobilize your VoIP

Tips to increasing your productivity

The corporate workspace is an area where focus is as critical as productivity. However, because of office distractions, many employees often struggle to focus on what needs to be achieved, resulting in increased company expenses and less effective output. While a drop in productivity sometimes cannot be avoided from time-to-time, there are ways to ensure… Continue reading Tips to increasing your productivity

Tips to becoming more productive

In today’s offices there are an ever increasing number of distractions and competing demands that tasks always seem to take our attention away from the task at hand. As a result, overall productivity can decrease. This is obviously not the best strategy for successful business, especially when the pressure is on to get work completed.… Continue reading Tips to becoming more productive

How to boost office productivity

The office is meant to be a place of productivity, but it can easily become a place of constant struggle against distractions. This makes efficiency an elusive goal and it’s not just those working in the office space who can’t get on with the task at hand and suffer, but potentially the bottom line of… Continue reading How to boost office productivity

Part 1 – How to get content shared

Since the wide adoption of social media, and even before, companies with an online presence have been taking steps to develop their own content that ‘fans’, customers and even friends can interact with. By creating content that users share, you can increase the reach of your company, which could ultimately increase sales, turnover and profits.… Continue reading Part 1 – How to get content shared

Part 1 – Increasing content shares

As a business owner, or manager, you probably have a social media profile and create content for it. One of the most common types of content is blog articles, and yet some companies have problems actually getting their content shared. If you post articles to bring in new customers and interact with existing ones, then… Continue reading Part 1 – Increasing content shares

Getting content shared: Part 1

Social media has become such a large part of business strategy and marketing. Many businesses invest time, money and energy into creating a wide variety of content for their social media platforms. One of the most popular types of content is articles. While many businesses go to great lengths to create articles, some have a… Continue reading Getting content shared: Part 1

Phone tethering to suit you

The Apple iPhone is one of the most desired business devices, because of the wide variety of features it offers and its extensive usability. One of the most demanded features of even the most basic smartphone though is the ability to connect and get online. Did you know that one way of getting connected is… Continue reading Phone tethering to suit you