Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to keep callers engaged while on hold in a call

If a business’s hotline keeps callers waiting for long periods, many callers may feel frustrated and just hang up. This results in an unpleasant customer experience that turns off current and potential customers. To keep callers on the line, use these Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) features. VoIP phone systems can help make waiting on… Continue reading How to keep callers engaged while on hold in a call

Here’s how to benefit from VoIP’s on-hold messages

For many customers, being put on hold in a call can be annoying. Some may even get frustrated and just hang up. Instead of keeping your business’s callers waiting without anything to do, why not have them listen to useful information that keeps them engaged? With a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system, doing this… Continue reading Here’s how to benefit from VoIP’s on-hold messages

Keep callers on the line by using these VoIP features

Callers generally don’t like being put on hold for very long periods. But sometimes, your staff will have to put them on hold to verify their identity, find answers to their queries, or refer the call to a supervisor. One way to make sure callers do not feel abandoned while on hold is to use… Continue reading Keep callers on the line by using these VoIP features

VoIP systems keep callers on the line

Being put on hold can be a bothersome experience for customers. Unless they have absolutely nothing else to do, people dislike waiting for an indefinite amount of time and achieving nothing. But did you know that when you make customers wait on the other end of the line, you actually have the opportunity to provide… Continue reading VoIP systems keep callers on the line

Engaging on-hold messages via VoIP

When an operator asks a client for permission to put them on hold, what they’re really saying is “Can you wait a short time not talking to anybody?” A caller can be put on hold at different times throughout a call, and for varying durations. This lull used to be insufferable, but now you can… Continue reading Engaging on-hold messages via VoIP

VoIP’s hold message options are easy

Silence during a phone call is often taken as a sign that the call was dropped. There’s no use staying on the line, so people hang up. It’s therefore no wonder that a CNN survey found that among Americans who are put on hold in silence, 70% of them hang up within 60 seconds. But… Continue reading VoIP’s hold message options are easy

Engaging on-hold messages via VoIP

When transitioning from traditional phone systems to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions, people often overlook the way calls are put on hold. However, doing so means losing opportunities since how customers are put on hold influences whether they wait patiently on the line or hang up. When an operator asks a client for permission… Continue reading Engaging on-hold messages via VoIP

VoIP’s hold message options are easy

A CNN survey revealed that 70% of callers in the US who are put on hold in silence hang up within 60 seconds. That’s why businesses are looking into different on-hold options to keep customers happy and are finding wonderful solutions from VoIP systems. When an operator asks a client for permission to put them… Continue reading VoIP’s hold message options are easy

VoIP systems keep callers on the line

According to an AT&T study, more than 70% of business phone calls in the US are placed on hold for an average of 45 to 60 seconds each. While organizations try to minimize hold times, sometimes there’s nothing you can do except put the caller on hold while you transfer them to the correct department.… Continue reading VoIP systems keep callers on the line

VoIP’s hold-message options are easy

A common refrain heard by installers of traditional PBX phone systems and over-the-internet VoIP systems is “Wait, before you go, what’s best for on-hold music and messages, and how do I set those up?” Usually it’s an easy process for both types of phone systems, but with VoIP solutions it’s typically easier and provides greater… Continue reading VoIP’s hold-message options are easy