Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), then think again. In the past, companies needed to hire expensive experts to really delve into BI. But these days, there is a range of affordable self-service tools that will allow small- and medium-sized businesses… Continue reading Why BI is for everyone

BI is for small businesses too

Business Intelligence (BI) has conventionally been limited to big business; only they can afford pricey experts with specialist knowledge who can leverage BI’s value. But the rise of self-service BI tools has leveled the playing field, allowing small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to get in on the game too. And with SMBs now producing far… Continue reading BI is for small businesses too

BI is not just for the big boys

Most of us don’t normally associate Business Intelligence (BI) with small- or medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The huge investment required to hire data-delving specialists makes us think BI is only for larger organizations. But this is no longer the case. Not only does a growing selection of self-service tools make BI more affordable for SMBs, but… Continue reading BI is not just for the big boys

BI is not just for the big boys

Most of us don’t normally associate Business Intelligence (BI) with small- or medium-sized businesses; the large investment that has traditionally been required to hire specialist data-delving experts makes us think it’s the preserve of larger organizations. But no longer is that the case – not only does a growing selection of self-service tools put BI… Continue reading BI is not just for the big boys

BI is for small businesses too

Business Intelligence (BI) has conventionally been the preserve of big business, given the need for specialist knowledge meant hiring pricey experts was often the only way to leverage its value. But the rise of self-service BI tools has leveled the playing field, allowing small- and medium-sized businesses to get in on the game too. And… Continue reading BI is for small businesses too

Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), it’s time to think again. While it’s true that in the past you needed the help of pricey specialists to really delve into BI, these days a range of self-service tools mean that small- and… Continue reading Why BI is for everyone

The truth about healthcare security

While many small businesses mistakenly think they’re immune to data breaches because of their size, and therefore put minimum protection in place, healthcare organizations can’t ever risk taking this laissez-faire approach – and they’d be in trouble if they did. After all, there are rules and regulations when it comes to healthcare IT systems, and… Continue reading The truth about healthcare security

Predictive analytics: 3 Components

In business, as in life, we constantly try to make predictions about the future. How will sales be next year if we implement a new procedure? What will the weather be like for the annual staff event next week? It’s no surprise then that businesses of all sizes have started to embrace the idea of… Continue reading Predictive analytics: 3 Components

3 Parts of predictive analytics

Predictive analytics has long been employed by large-scale businesses to help make decisions and long-term business predictions. Now, small to medium businesses are starting to integrate these methods in larger numbers. A common stumbling block for many managers and owners however is that this can be a highly overwhelming concept. To help, here is an… Continue reading 3 Parts of predictive analytics

Components of predictive analytics

When it comes to the success of your business, you likely rely, at least in part, on predictions made off of existing data. While simple forecasts are easy enough, it can be more difficult to set down long-term theories about what the future may or may not entail. That’s why many businesses employ predictive analytics.… Continue reading Components of predictive analytics