Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Predictive analytics: 3 Components

In business, as in life, we constantly try to make predictions about the future. How will sales be next year if we implement a new procedure? What will the weather be like for the annual staff event next week? It’s no surprise then that businesses of all sizes have started to embrace the idea of… Continue reading Predictive analytics: 3 Components

3 Parts of predictive analytics

Predictive analytics has long been employed by large-scale businesses to help make decisions and long-term business predictions. Now, small to medium businesses are starting to integrate these methods in larger numbers. A common stumbling block for many managers and owners however is that this can be a highly overwhelming concept. To help, here is an… Continue reading 3 Parts of predictive analytics

Components of predictive analytics

When it comes to the success of your business, you likely rely, at least in part, on predictions made off of existing data. While simple forecasts are easy enough, it can be more difficult to set down long-term theories about what the future may or may not entail. That’s why many businesses employ predictive analytics.… Continue reading Components of predictive analytics