Technology Advice for Small Businesses

3 tips to get you started with virtualization

You’ve likely heard of virtualization. It’s the ability to move both hardware and software out of your office to a vendor offsite – therefore freeing up office space and cutting costs. This likely sounds like a dream come true for small businesses, whose overheads need to be kept to a minimum. But with the ability… Continue reading 3 tips to get you started with virtualization

How to virtualize for newbies

Virtualization…the very sound of the word may have you excited about the new opportunities it holds, or your heart pounding in fear of a foreign technology that sounds far too scary. Whatever the case, virtualization isn’t going anywhere. Thousands of businesses are taking advantage of its ability to cut costs and free up office space.… Continue reading How to virtualize for newbies

The newbie’s guide to virtualization

You’ve just got word that one of your competitors has virtualized half its IT assets, and that they have almost doubled their profits as a result. You think it’s time for you to jump on the bandwagon and reap the same benefits, BUT…you’re a bit nervous. You have no idea where to start. You may… Continue reading The newbie’s guide to virtualization