Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Shellshock 101: What is it?

Earlier this year news broke of one of the most widespread and potentially devastating bugs to-date – Heartbleed. While heartbleed was massive and companies are still dealing with the fallout to this day, news has recently broke of an even bigger potential threat: Shellshock. This is a security issue all business owners, managers, and employees… Continue reading Shellshock 101: What is it?

Are you suffering from Shellshock?

When first announced in April of 2014, Heartbleed was one of the biggest security issues ever uncovered. Companies scrambled to patch systems and ensure they were protected from this problem. While big news, there is a recently uncovered security flaw called Shellshock which could make Heartbleed look relatively small in comparison, and it is a… Continue reading Are you suffering from Shellshock?

New security flaw leads to Shellshock

In late spring of this year news broke of the biggest security issue to date – Heartbleed. Many companies leapt to secure themselves from this, but the fallout from it is still being felt. That being said, there is a new, even bigger, security problem called Shellshock that all businesses need to now be aware… Continue reading New security flaw leads to Shellshock