Technology Advice for Small Businesses

6 Proven ways to make your iPhone run faster and smoother

iPhones aren’t perfect, and over time, performance issues are almost inevitable. Fortunately, there are several ways to tackle these issues. Here are five proven hacks to get your phone back to optimal speed and smooth functionality, no complicated tech skills required. Restart your phone More often than not, restarting your phone can solve various performance… Continue reading 6 Proven ways to make your iPhone run faster and smoother

Say goodbye to sluggishness: Easy tricks to boost your iPhone’s performance

For many workers, iPhones are practical business tools — they make handling emails, presentations, and everything in between simple and easy. But these devices can become slow and unresponsive, which can disrupt your day and hinder productivity. By implementing the following five hacks, you can keep your phone running at its best and minimize sluggish… Continue reading Say goodbye to sluggishness: Easy tricks to boost your iPhone’s performance

Minimize iPhone lag with these simple tricks

It’s a familiar problem: over time, even the fastest phones begin to slow down. Apps take longer to load, screens freeze, and multitasking becomes a chore. If this sounds like your phone, don’t worry. There are some simple adjustments you can make to minimize iPhone lag. Restart your phone More often than not, restarting your… Continue reading Minimize iPhone lag with these simple tricks

What to do when your PC abruptly slows down

You just got back from lunch and are settling down into your office chair. You open up your planner to check your schedule, and then wake your PC from sleep. Time to check emails. But wait, something’s wrong. You’re…waiting. Your computer is moving as slow as a brontosaurus and the problem appears to go deeper… Continue reading What to do when your PC abruptly slows down

Have PC slowness? Here’s how to fix it

Are you experiencing PC slowness? Are you slamming your head into your monitor wondering just what you can do to fix it? Not to fear, there are several actions you can take to solve the problem. First take a deep breath, relax and realize you can fix the problem. Feel better? Now roll up your… Continue reading Have PC slowness? Here’s how to fix it

Suffer from PC slowness? Learn how to fix it

No one likes a slow PC. It makes you feel like you’re living back in the 1990s when waiting nearly a minute for a page to load was the norm. The technology problems of the ‘90s are gone for a good reason, and with them so should your computer slowness. But if you’re suddenly reliving… Continue reading Suffer from PC slowness? Learn how to fix it