Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Sync Windows 10 with Android notifications

Technology addicts and workaholics have one thing in common: a constant quest to reduce barriers between themselves and their technology. If being interrupted by a buzzing phone is the bane of your desk-based existence, the Windows 10’s anniversary update contains an exciting feature that just might put a smile on your face. By simply installing… Continue reading Sync Windows 10 with Android notifications

How to see Android notifications on your PC

As subversive as smartphones may be, we’ll likely never be able to completely get away from desktop computing. And when you’re stuck hammering away on the keyboard, how do you mitigate the stream of texts and notifications coming in on your phone? In a win for PC computing, you can now receive and respond to… Continue reading How to see Android notifications on your PC

Windows gets desktop Android notifications

Smartphones aren’t even ten years old, and they’re already one of the most essential pieces of our daily routines.In many ways they’ve actually surpassed desktop computers in their ability to keep us connected 24 hours a day. But they’re still a separate device, and that means awkward transitions when you get notifications while working on… Continue reading Windows gets desktop Android notifications