Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Access Chrome bookmarks from other browsers

Chrome might be among the most popular web browsers around, but it’s not the only one available. Even if you’re a Google fan and swear by using Chrome when you can, chances are you use a device that either doesn’t have Chrome installed or on which you simply prefer to browse via another application. And… Continue reading Access Chrome bookmarks from other browsers

Get your Chrome bookmarks in other browsers

Even the most fanatical Google fan has cause to use browsers other than Chrome from time to time. After all, while Chrome might have crept a long way up the popularity scale, there are still alternatives out there – among them Firefox, Safari and even Internet Explorer. Whether you prefer to use another browser on… Continue reading Get your Chrome bookmarks in other browsers

Need Chrome bookmarks elsewhere? Here’s how

You might be among the growing core of users who primarily surf the web with Google’s Chrome browser, but that doesn’t mean you don’t occasionally have cause to use one of its competitors. Whether that’s Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer, and whether you do so out of necessity (because your device doesn’t have Chrome installed)… Continue reading Need Chrome bookmarks elsewhere? Here’s how