Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Notifications Center customization

The recent release of iOS 8 introduced a number of changes and features that improved the overall usability of the iPhone and iPad. One of the more useful changes introduced has to be the enhanced Notifications Center, which allows users to quickly view and even interact with various device notifications. If you are using iOS… Continue reading Notifications Center customization

iOS 8 101: Notifications Center

iOS 8 has, like other versions of iOS, added and improved upon features. One of the biggest changes has to be the drastic improvement of the Notifications Center. With the most recent release, this Center has seen a number of changes, including the introduction of widgets that allow users to truly customize how this feature… Continue reading iOS 8 101: Notifications Center

Customizing Notifications Center

If you have an iPhone and have updated it to iOS 8, you have likely noticed the drastically improved Notifications Center. Apple has finally added better functionality to this popular feature and even increased the overall usability. If you have been using this function, did you know that you can customize the Notifications Center? Customizing… Continue reading Customizing Notifications Center