Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Optimizing website images for better SEO

Optimizing images before uploading them to your website can have a significant effect on your site’s loading speed and ranking. Unfortunately, many businesses upload unoptimized images to their sites, resulting in a poor user experience. This article will show you the proper way to optimize your website images. What is image optimization? Image optimization is… Continue reading Optimizing website images for better SEO

How to optimize website images for SEO

Images are invaluable components of a website because they can help promote your products or services to potential customers. However, if your images are not optimized, visitors to your website will find it difficult to navigate through the pages because of slow loading times. This is why you need to optimize your images before uploading… Continue reading How to optimize website images for SEO

5 Handy tips for optimizing website images

Did you know that images not only make your website more attractive and engaging to customers, but they’re also important for your site’s SEO? If optimized correctly, images can improve your site’s page loading speed and search engine ranking. Here are some tips for optimizing website images. What is image optimization? Image optimization is the… Continue reading 5 Handy tips for optimizing website images

Optimizing website images for SEO

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often tempted to relegate their search engine optimization (SEO) analyses to the free reports offered by online platforms like WordPress and Google Analytics. Unfortunately, those reports rarely provide the details you need to improve your SEO. One of the things they tend to glaze over is image optimization. Do… Continue reading Optimizing website images for SEO

How website images affect SEO

When working with web platforms like WordPress, there are three letters that induce anxiety in any business owner: SEO (search engine optimization). It’s one of the most confusing aspects of running a business, and web apps that rate your SEO with no more than a red or green light don’t make it any easier. Read… Continue reading How website images affect SEO

SEO recommendations for website images

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of improving your business’s online presence. Web services and platforms that provide automated SEO reports like WordPress, Google, and Raven Tools tend to oversimplify their advice. If you’re trying to get a green light for SEO, you might need to look more… Continue reading SEO recommendations for website images

Google Drive improves comment feature

Google recently launched a new feature on Google Drive that will improve collaboration. Users can now use a combination of Microsoft Office and G Suite while working with their teammates and clients. This update allows them to conveniently comment on Office files, images, and PDFs in the ‘Preview’ pane of Drive. Learn how you can… Continue reading Google Drive improves comment feature

Google Drive now allows comments on MS files

Google applications mostly comprise collaborative tools that are regularly updated to address your growing needs. With their new Google Drive update, gone are the days of converting files just to add a comment because you can now easily comment on the files in the ‘Preview’ pane. To reduce the hassles Google Drive allows your team… Continue reading Google Drive now allows comments on MS files

Google Drive upgrade: Commenting on MS Files

Google constantly strives to boost user experience by regularly updating their series of tools and applications. This time around, they added a new feature to Google Drive wherein users can add a comment directly on the ‘Preview’ pane of Microsoft Office files, images, and PDFs. Read on to find out how this can benefit your… Continue reading Google Drive upgrade: Commenting on MS Files

Think your Google history is gone for good?

Like breaking up with past lovers, when deleting something from our browsing history, we all have that lingering feeling that it’s never really gone. Some may even suspect that multinational tech giants such as Google might have been keeping tabs on all the searches you’ve made — and they’re right. Unless a genie granted you… Continue reading Think your Google history is gone for good?