Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Stand out from the pack on social media

Still struggling with social media marketing? Have you started posting updates more regularly and developed a consistent brand voice, yet still have barely any results to show for it? Well, there could be many reasons for your lack of progress in social media, but there is one common “content trap” that could be the source.… Continue reading Stand out from the pack on social media

How to get attention on social media

If you’ve been at the social media game for quite some time and yet have seen little to no results, there may be a number of reasons behind this. It could be inconsistent branding, poor quality content, insufficient engagement with your audience, or pushing sales on every status update. However, there is one common trap… Continue reading How to get attention on social media

Stand out from the crowd on social media

Most of us know that gaining a foothold on social media takes time and effort. But if you’re at the point where you’ve already put in hundreds of hours of work with few results to show for it, you’re likely doing something wrong. There could be a number of different reasons for this, but here… Continue reading Stand out from the crowd on social media